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Originally posted by Republicant:

I-O... Ginn >Edwards... did you see that kid run?!?!?!!?!

dude what planet are you living on? OSU would trade in 10 Ross's for one Hart and 20 Holmes for 1 edwards. I dont care who you think is better. There is no way in Hell that osu could pull out of being 17 behind with 6 minutes left. The game goes to the michigan three. henne, hart, and edwards. I see a near hiseman in the future. For the most part all of you OSU nut swingers can go be jealous in another thread.
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Originally posted by stealthmonkey:

dude what planet are you living on? OSU would trade in 10 Ross's for one Hart and 20 Holmes for 1 edwards. I dont care who you think is better. There is no way in Hell that osu could pull out of being 17 behind with 6 minutes left. The game goes to the michigan three. henne, hart, and edwards. I see a near hiseman in the future. For the most part all of you OSU nut swingers can go be jealous in another thread.

YOUR FUCKING STUPIED... go play with yourslef and let the intelligent people talk abuot football.


Edwards is good, but holmes is every bit that good, and he is 2 years younger. I do think Hart is a good back, Henne... he is alright.

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I thought ginn or whatever was a running back? OR is he a wideout? You are calling holmes as good as Edwards? Wanna look up some stats?


Also, whatever rb you wanna compare to ours. 200+ yards rushing in the last 4 games, barely trailing the rushing leader who is about to break a record. And he didn't play the first game and a half two games.


I don't even know if I would call holmes as good as Avant or Breaston(Maybe since breaston is having sort of an off year.) Or maybe you can compare him to one of our Tight ends. They probably get as many Catches/Yards as holmes does.

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Originally posted by Rane:

I thought ginn or whatever was a running back? OR is he a wideout? You are calling holmes as good as Edwards? Wanna look up some stats?


Also, whatever rb you wanna compare to ours. 200+ yards rushing in the last 4 games, barely trailing the rushing leader who is about to break a record. And he didn't play the first game and a half two games.

Holmes has no one to throw to him, and Ewards had Navarre. Also i never said anything about our running back, but on sheer potential and skill i would not put Edwards any higher the Holmes, and Ginn jr. is amazing.
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So much ignorance in this thread that its funny.


Santonio Holmes is fucking sweet. If you want to talk about stats, then how many times has Edwards recorded 200 yards in the first half? Oh, shit.... He hasn't. Thats also with Zwick throwing to him, and we all know that that guy could make a career in throwing skeet for target practice.


Ginn was recruited as an all-star cornerback, but due to the fact that he might be in the top five of fastest men in america (literally), he's been returning kicks and playing wide reciver lately. It's simply amazing to wwatch that kid run... You'll laugh your ass off.


As far as runningbacks go, I think that Pittman and Joe will definitely get the job done for the rest of the year. Pittman seems much more alert and agile, and also seems to be able to hit holes much better than Ross ever could. Brandon Joe is just a Tank.


I'm not saying Edwards isnt good; I think he's absolutely amazing. I think he's going to embarass our defense, and I think he'll have a great career in the NFL... But to say that all of Ohio state sucks because Braelinn Edwards is good is just another ignorant Michigan comment.



Oh, and Cold Air.... Miami did sweet this weekend. I didn't know that UNC even had a football team anymore, I figured that title IX would've taken care of a team that pathetic awhile ago.... :cool:

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Originally posted by B DUBS:

YOUR FUCKING STUPIED... go play with yourslef and let the intelligent people talk abuot football.


Edwards is good, but holmes is every bit that good, and he is 2 years younger. I do think Hart is a good back, Henne... he is alright.

stupied? lol brandon thats right just keep talking. cause your diggin a hole that you will need alot more power than a SR20DET will have to get you out.
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Good backs don't run for 200 yards on a regular basis. Maybe 100 but 200? In there freshmen year? Hart and the Oklahoma guy(Forget his name) have every chance in the world to become one of the best ever.


Holmes is as good as edwards? The only time I See Holmes do something good is on a fluke play or when he burns a shitty db for a touchdown. I don't see him taking balls out of the hands of defenders then running for 15 yards more. I don't see him catching the ball off of a DB's head, tipping it away from 3 guys to himself and diving to catch it. Embarassing whoever is covering him on a regular basis by catching poorly thrown sure as hell interceptions.


I see holmes get the occasional, oh guess what I'm faster then the guy guarding me touchdown but nothing amazing. He is just an ordinary primary WR, fast with alright hands. Our 2nd and 3rd best WR's are just as good at both of those things. But Edwards is a fucking monster, Amazing to watch some of the stuff he does and makes it look so easy.


Your team even in its national champ year(s) had no offense and relied on defense, it still to this day has no offense and guess what...It lost its defense, I wasn't saying you all suck you just dont have any completely amazing players.


Lol, stop hating on SR20's and keep listening to your friend tell people you can run 10's with your stock TT stealths :-p.(He actually said something to that general effect the night I came out and rode in the caddy to watch you guys race.)


Hater, 240sx=cost less, weighs less, Looks better(My oppinion.) and has just as much potential. Why do you hate the sr20det so much :-p.

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Originally posted by stealthmonkey:

stupied? lol brandon thats right just keep talking. cause your diggin a hole that you will need alot more power than a SR20DET will have to get you out.

NO hole i cant get out of with you. I'll take you up in a type of physical test, asthetic test, brain power test, driving test, anything you want. Its not that i dont like you either Geoff, i have never had an issue, i just think your attitude has changed lately. And my sr20det never had anything to do with this conversation ;)
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Originally posted by stealthmonkey:

brandon I haven't changed my attitude. I cant stand fucking assholes coming on our threads and junking them up with ohio bull shit. The one thing that pisses me off more about columbus. Its a fucking nazi buckeye town.

duh geoff, i would expect the same thing from any hometown of a sports team
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Originally posted by stealthmonkey:

brandon I haven't changed my attitude. I cant stand fucking assholes coming on our threads and junking them up with ohio bull shit. The one thing that pisses me off more about columbus. Its a fucking nazi buckeye town.

Well i think other teams are execpted better then michigan, and i personally hate the school, been there dont like it. And 65% of my whole family lives in Michigan so its nothing against the state, infact i like the state just dont like that school.
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Originally posted by stealthmonkey:

brandon I haven't changed my attitude. I cant stand fucking assholes coming on our threads and junking them up with ohio bull shit. The one thing that pisses me off more about columbus. Its a fucking nazi buckeye town.

So...if I move to Ann Arbor, and say that it's the biggest shithole in the world, and I hate it, and their sports team(s) suck, everyone will love me?
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I asked the fellow michigan fans what they thought about our reciever, you guys told your run of the mill player was better and we disagree'd. We weren't telling anyone they sucked, none of us even mentioned OSU untill you flamed us and said your guy(s) were better.
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