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School levy's


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What the hell is it with people voting to pass school levy's in Westerville. Since I moved up here a few years ago no levy has failed. I did my part I voted against every one of the damn things. You'd think people in westerville don't actually pay property taxes or something. Last time I checked there weren't that many apartments or trailer parks in westerville. Fuck the school system. Do they actually need the money or are they just betting on more each time they can. I could totally understand if "We the people" were allowed to see the budget and balance it ourselves. I could understand if the money would actually help the dumbass kids in these schools, but I'm a firm believer in "you will learn if your interested" not "throw more money and your kids get smarter"


Oh and one more fucking stupid thing. I know over a year ago it was ruled by the Ohio supreme court that the current school funding system doesn't work and doesn't represent the people properly. The government has not complied with 2 or 3 court orders now to work to change the system. WTF!!!



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People passed the levy because they want their own kids to have more available to them. If you don't like the taxes where you live, I have a simple solution for you(MOVE). You can fix your car with basic hand tools, but it is much easier to do the job with the right tools.


I will agree that the current system is flawed. In neighborhoods that make more money and have higher property values will have more funding and school supplies, not to mention better teachers. It should change.

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I voted for the westerville property tax.


My little sister deserves all that she can have and I will give whatever necessary to make sure that she has it.


Secondly, I know several teachers that are in prospect of losing their job, that provide very good services to the community and the children.

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Originally posted by Mensan:

People passed the levy because they want their own kids to have more available to them. If you don't like the taxes where you live, I have a simple solution for you(MOVE). You can fix your car with basic hand tools, but it is much easier to do the job with the right tools.


I will agree that the current system is flawed. In neighborhoods that make more money and have higher property values will have more funding and school supplies, not to mention better teachers. It should change.

There is a difference between having more available to children vs. just raking in more and more cash to blow it on things that aren't really necessary.
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Ah who gives a rats ass, people in westerville have too much fucking money anyways. I'm from the older part of westerville, my neighborhood was built 20+ years ago. Its gonna be so tough for all those rich bastards who live in medallion, the lakes, ect. Maybe they will have a tough time paying for all that water to fill up their swimming pools, or gas for their $50,000 SUV.


I had alot of benefit from going to highschool in westerville, we had alot of resources (computers, software, hardware, scientific equipment) that other schools didnt have because their city would never pass a levy.

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Originally posted by Cone Smasher:

I voted for the westerville property tax.


My little sister deserves all that she can have and I will give whatever necessary to make sure that she has it.


Secondly, I know several teachers that are in prospect of losing their job, that provide very good services to the community and the children.

I completely agree with this man.
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Are they STILL bussing in the kids from Columbus INTO a Westerville School? It was like that back when I was in High school (early 90's). They were bussing kids that lived between 161 and morse fucking road? WTF? Umm.. that's still Westerville?
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Originally posted by Corolla sans Engine:

Blah, blah, blah...I still hope they pass regardless what anyone else thinks. For the amount you pay, your kids can get a damn good public education if YOU contribute your portion. If I don't like the taxes, I'll move. Simple plan and very effective.

My point is that the Westerville school district is PAYING for Columbus peeps to got to school in Westerville. Columbus only pays for Columbus schools.. NOT westerville schools.
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Alright you dumb fuckers that think I must be some rich fuck to live in westerville. WTF I moved hear from near Marietta, OH assholes! There probably isn't anyone within 1 mile of me in westerville making over 70K a year.


Just move! thats a pretty dumb idea. No matter where you live taxes are just as bad. In the Warren school district about 10 miles out of marietta, OH there taxes are higher then westerville. The problem there is there are alot of land owners so not as much population.


The school doesn't need more fucking money all the time. I can't wait to vote Ken Blackwell into office so we can get rid of the property tax system all together so that dumbass poor people that crank out babies by the dozens will have to pay there fair share too.



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Tractor, Taxes are a part of life. Don't want to sound like a dick but deal with it.


My taxes are going up 850 a year. And i have to just pay them or move to a cheaper house in a lower taxed county. When leavy's pass it tends to increase the property values. So again part of life. And yes Westervill likes to pass school levies.

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I have no problem with local taxes and Levies.




I live in Dublin. Good schools here too. The problem *I* have is the school district lines don't match up with the tax divisions. Meaning not everyone who's sending kids to Dublin schools is paying the property tax for those same schools.


In other words - people who don't take it up the ass on these levies (and for me its about $13,000 in property tax PER YEAR) are sending their kids to our schools for free.


Oh, and when OUR kids try to enroll now to OUR school for kindergarden or 1st grade, our school not 3 blocks away and to which I've been getting $$$ raped for every year of said child's entire LIFE, they can't go... because the school's FUKKING FULL already. Full with kids getting bus'd in from other neighborhoods... neighborhoods who're not paying the property tax I am to keep that school up?!?


And now they try to bus our kids down to some shitschool near Bethel?


Um, I don't fucking think so.


About to tell me "move"?

About to tell me "tough its life"?

About to tell me "stop whining"?


How about instead I tell you what I'm, what we're, doing about it:


I'm not paying it come April 05. I've got the money escrowed but I'm not paying it. They can come try to sue me. They may. Good. I'll win in commissioners court too: Thirteen grand a year so I CAN'T send my kid to the public school right around the corner I've been paying for? Thousands of dollars in collected tax monies over six years and I can't send my kid to said school? Oh Yeah, we're not going to lose that in comissioners' court.


Oh and guess what - in the meantime I'm not paying the levy, AND I'm sending my kid to private school. About six to eight grand annual will cover that easy. Oh, and the public school will lose more. Because the moment I take my kids out of the public school system altogether they lose an extra ~$5,000 in state/Federal matching funds.


And like I said - I, we, will win levy exemption when/if Dublin tries to sue me, us, for that levy money.






Sorry about that rant. That was last spring and it still chafes my ass. And it was my neices and kids in my neighborhood even not my own kid. It'd be worse otherwise. My Point being (I have a point? uh lets pretend I do) - you never have to just take things up the ass.


*whew, deep breath*


[ 05. November 2004, 09:45 AM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]

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Originally posted by Mowgli:

(and for me its about $13,000 in property tax PER YEAR)

13k in dublin would put the value of your home around 1 mill.


Are you sure about that number?

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