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No Wonder.

Devils Advocate

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It's really no wonder why other countries (and specifically britain) think that the US is full of a bunch of illiterate, ignorant, racist rednecks. Have any of you ever played HALO2 on XBOXLive in the same room as a brit? All the whole game will consist of is some redneck jackass motuhing of about "bloody old england" and blaming the british guy for any losses the team suffers... America needs to clean up its fucking image, or get rid of toolboxes like that.
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Originally posted by WebNinja:

It's really no wonder why other countries think that the US is full of a bunch of lazy ass never leave the house motherfuckers.America needs to get off there asses and leave those gay ass computer games alone go outside enjoy life and stop staring into a computer screen for 23 hours of the day

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