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Web Developer / nalyst needed


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Please PM me with resumes if anyone is interested. Here's the details:



Job description:

This consultant will join one of the leading consultancies in the Ohio region. As a consultant you will assist a premier agency in the following qualifications.




Develop detail requirements, design and develop a generic, web-based survey tool that will include the following functionality:


" Repository for surveys

" Repository for questions

" Multiple question types including limited or unlimited text (string), Y/N/NA, date, numeric, multiple selection list (choose one or choose all that apply), select one from a pull-down, select all that apply from a pull-down, etc*

" Ability to build multiple surveys from selection of questions

" Run surveys connected to the web or disconnected on the desktop/laptop

" Ability to upload survey results after a disconnected session

" Ability to download most current version of surveys from server to desktop on demand

" Surveys have a standard presentation

" Report on survey results by survey type or across types in a summary or detail manner.



Technical skill requirements:


" Proficient in requirements analysis

" Proficient in interface and database design

" 2+ years Visual Basic .net

" 2+ years Microsoft SQL/2000 Server database

" 2+ years Microsoft Windows 2000 Server

" 2+ years Microsoft Windows XP or 2000 desktop


The individual assigned to this project will report to one of the IT Application Managers in the Information Systems Division, and will work closely with customers in the Division of Community Services during analysis, design, and testing. The successful candidate will possess strong communication skills and work ethic in addition to the technical skills listed above.

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