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needem job


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Looking for somthing that I can get paid with in two weeks. I leave in a month for the army, but I need rent money, and such so if someone can hook me up with some quick money. Relize I am leaveing soon so it needs to be something that can be filled quickly. This Really will be helpfull for me and the wife.


I am really wiling to do allmost anything as long as the pay matchs the work.

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you wouldnt like it either.


Some auctions wil hire you certain days of the week. All you do is go in the lot, get the car, drive it in/out of the auction building. Pay isnt too good, but you could use it as a fall back kind of thing. Might make 40-50 bucks a day. Just start calling some, I know one is Bexly does it.

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