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CR has made me Forum unfriendly.


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I just realised this. I have been on here for Two years and change now. Over that time I have aquired the idea that the way people talk on this forum is the norm for most forums. So many people talk shit on here, so many people are dicks and overly sarcastic on here, including myself, that I have become used to it.


I have been banned from a total of 6 forums for either of the following:

-Insulting noobs

-Being a dick t a ricer who wanted to twinturbo his 1.8 Eagle summit. (and claimed his was the fastest on the forum at 14.5@110mph) Uhhhh no i don't think so.

1. I ran 14.2 (and there was faster one on the board)

2. 110mphI think he misplaces a decilam after the second 1

-Laughed at some guy because he told me he raced without a lid. Then I went on to explain how dumb that was. (H was a forum Admin)

-And Insulting more noobs.



Hmm I wonder where I picked these traits up from????


AHahahaha anyone have this happen to them?

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