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Just for the record (running).

Trouble Maker

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I've been working out for a little less than 3 months now, and just in the last 4 weeks have started paying attention to my running. I usually run 2 miles a day on the track and then lift for an 1.5 hours. Mainly my workout is strength training (I'm a lot stronger than I was at Nate's) so it's hard to focus on running.


I have a 5k to run down here next saturday night, so I'm gonna start the week off heavy, probably 3.5 miles and taper every day till I just run 1 mile Friday. I'm not crazy distance, I never have been, but I keep a pretty good 7:30 pace for 2 miles, and 7:45 for 3 miles. Do the varying distances each day, focusing on endurance, my workout is not really for running so do as I say, not as I do.

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Oh and not to hijack, but I got contacts @ Toyota in HR if you wanna send a resume. I will call you this weekend.


Thanks man, I really appreciate it. Honestly I'm about to move into a place within the next month, month and a half. I probably wouldn't be very happy anywhere other than Columbus so.... I will still definitely apply and see what happens. We can talk about it when you call.


Where is the R&D facility located?

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I would suggest not running 6 out of 7 days in the week. Not because it is bad for you but because you are going to get tired of it and begin to hate it. I personally run four days out of the week with one long day (being much longer than you are interested in), I swim 3 days a week and bike 5 days a week. I'm sure that you aren't quite interested in getting that deep into it but I train pretty religiously. I get up at 5:30 to do all this and usually do my runs at 10:00 at night. I would definitely suggest the cross training though so that you don't tire out mentally. I actually picked up this program after speaking with an olympic qualifier in marathon distance when I was training for a marathon.
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I've also heard that interval training is a good way to train. I don't know how effective it is at the shorter distances (5-10k) but I know for a true distance runner it is tried and true. In case you aren't familiar with interval training that is running then walking in intervals, mostly time intervals. When you run, run hard.
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Yup, I've heard a few people talk about interval training but haven't looked into it that much. This seems to be part of the method that Bird69 is speaking about.


My sister’s long day of the week is 10+miles. She's ran the Indy mini twice and she is paining on running the Columbus Marathon next month so I have some idea of what your long day might be like. I'm not sure I will ever be up to those distances or would even want to. I started running off and on a few months after ski season ended. I was really out of shape when ski season started and had some fat on my belly. I changed my diet and got into shape skiing. I just wanted to keep in the ok shape that I got into over the winter. Then my sister clouded my mind with ideas of running a sprint triathlon sometime this summer with her. With her running the Marathon it will probably not happen until the spring now, but that's ok because I am not ready yet. Other than the short triathlon and some 5k's and 5mi run's I have no real aspirations other than trying to stay in shape. So I have no real ideas of running anything very long at any point in the future as I'm trying to do this.


I was actually talking with her and think I might do 5 days a week, taking off Wednesday or Thursday and Sunday. I'm thinking once I integrate swimming and biking I will do something six days a week, but only one thing a day so I will only be running two days a week, swimming two days a week and biking two days a week.

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I'd join you, but Im running in the air force marathon the very next day, so probably not a good idea.

In may i ran a 10:20 mile and a half, and that was the last timed distance I've had haha.

I run 3 to 4 days a week, and then do upper body strength in between.

Dont forget how hard your arms and abs actually work when you are running.

I ran 15 miles the other day, my longest so far, and my legs werent even what got tired, it was my abs and back. and I do 55 situps in a minute to give you an idea of how important upper body is to running.

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Push yourself till it hurts Jesse, that's all you've every seemed to lack. You're not in bad shape,a nd you've got a grasp of a training regiment. But, you're never going to be as fast as you can be unless you ignor your body-imposed speed limit, dig deep, and run untill you blood burns and your heart is trying to escape. It'll hurt, ya may even puke at the end (saw it all the time in track), but you'll heal in a couple days, and you'll be able to up the pace of your training. ;)
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If pushing yourself is the problem then you need to get a run partner who is better than you who will also be willing to help you out and push you further and harder than you want to go. If you do that once or twice a week that would really help get your competitive spirit up.
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