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this is a sorry to djs kitchen

Guest gearhead2

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Guest gearhead2
well i mite get banded for this or i mite get my sigh on name back <blkssguy>but a few weeks ago i got banded for joking with crash<ben> alittle to far, about running over a green bike in blacklick, i never said he would be on it, who in there right mind would do that for real ,he was joking about my spell and gramer sucking ,ill be the first to say he is right i got on this page to find people in to cars as much as me not to get a grade, even thought <retared >is to fun to watch i hope to meet some of u at columbus state car show ill have my monte there or im allways out east at the street races anyone is welcome to come over and say hi like i said i love cars, i taking my car all over the midwest to car shows its just very slow
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I hate you, and so does everyone else. In your apology post, you did not use ONE PROPER PIECE OF PUNCTUATION. My eyes are now bleeding profusely from trying to comprehend what you just posted. Please go away on your own so that you don't get banned again.


Gearhead, Don't defend him. Please. You'll make kittens die and baby jesus cry.

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Does this Monte ride on air bags??? If so, I believe you were on W. Broad last week or so going toward West Jeff. I saw a black Monte SS jumpin' like a rabbit. Everytime they would let the air out people would jump. Kinda Funny.


Sorry for steering this OT.

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Guest gearhead2
could of been me, but i got my car done in april of this year and a kid from hillaird seen my car and did everything to his that i did to mine, the only way u can tell who is who is mine has 20 on the fenders, there are pics of it on this linc, if thats ur car in the pic i remember seeing u
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Guest Removed
Bye again! :)


/me wonders who let him back in...


give me a break, he has pmd everyone and said sorry,and has talked to ant out east,whats the big deal .when he first got on here he was to stupid to read the rule's..oh fuck it ..

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give me a break, he has pmd everyone and said sorry,and has talked to ant out east,whats the big deal .when he first got on here he was to stupid to read the rule's..oh fuck it ..



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all i'm sayin is shawn is a cool guy , his grammer ..yea it suck's like mine but you'll have that! but what ever it doesnt matter!


It does matter. It shows what an ignorant piece of shit you are.


He is gone because he made a threat on another members life. End of story.


Trust me; you're on a last chance too...

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Guest Removed
See it's talking to other people like that, is when threat's get made. Last chance , like it matter's..Every one on here act's like there shit don't stink.I figured every one on here is bsing anyway.....and maybe you need to go back and reread that thread...he never said anything about taking his life or even running him over, he said he would run over a green bike, Hell he could have been talking about BMX bike for all that matter's.
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See it's talking to other people like that, is when threat's get made. Last chance , like it matter's..Every one on here act's like there shit don't stink.I figured every one on here is bsing anyway.....and maybe you need to go back and reread that thread...he never said anything about taking his life or even running him over, he said he would run over a green bike, Hell he could have been talking about BMX bike for all that matter's.


See, here is where not expressing yourself like a fucking moron comes into play. I might actually take you and him seriously if you expressed yourselves in an educated fashion. Since you express yourselves like a third graders I will treat and respect you like third graders.


But, nevertheless, I'm insulted just as everyone on CR should be insulted that you would think we would buy the story of "he was never talking about Ben's green bike, no! He was talking about another green bike!" You are full of shit, he is full of shit, and like I said - you're on your last chance and about to join him. Don't think it matters? Fine, then leave before I escort you outta here.


I'll tell you any of this to your face in person if this is how you really act in person. If you're another "cool guy in person" like him, then you are just as guilty of being an e-badass as anyone else. I have never had to treat anyone in person the way I treat them on CR, and do you know why? Because we're all cool people in person. We're all bad asses on the internet, too. I just happen to be the king CR internet badass, so play nice in my kingdom.

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Guest Removed

NO I'm still a smart ass in person, I just tell it how it is. If you don't like it, oh fucking well. The difference here is ... yeah my typing skills suck. I agree there. Beside Shawns been on here three times now and been banned every time.


Then why aren't other people banned for there indirect threat's, why did he not just receive a strike? because he's not one of your butt buddie's.


I don't have a issue with no one here, and to be honest I should be pissed about the shit that was said about me and my dad, but you know what it doesnt matter.It's just the internet.When it's all said and done, you might think differently about it.My dad's right's where taken from him ....and there is proof of this, not like you care.


keep the insult's coming , I DON'T CARE .Ban me I DON'T CARE.I can logg back in here just like shawn did so many time's.

and if we're all badass's on the internet, then why take it out on other's ...

He was trying to make it right , and your ass banned him over it.

I think your having a power trip and need a hug...Get over it.this is the only internet forum that treat's member's like 3rd graders, and then get's pissed when they act like 3rd grader's.beside's crash pushed him to that point , if you wouldn't let people act like that on here , maybe you'd have less issue's with it ?

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Ben did NOT push him to that point, he and everyone else were giving him shit for having the reading comprehension and writing skills of a third grader. It may seem like we're childish to you because we're all FRIENDS, so we dick around. Nobody EVER makes threats to others, and if they do, it's in such a ridiculous way that NOBODY but you would take it seriously. Also, Casto admitted to being a CRIMINAL, which is another reason he got banned. Car boards + criminals dont mix. Shut up, he has no place here.
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Oooooooo my god! Are you kidding? Yea, he was talking about the other guy, with the green BMX bike, that cruises frequently around Blacklick. Why even try to make it sound like he wasn't threatening me? He sent me a PM that appoligized for threatening me. He obviously knows what he did, and knows that he took it to far, or else you wouldn't have a 30 year old man apoligizing to a teenager. I accepted his appology, but could care less if he is let back on or not.


What threats have you seen other CR members making to eachother without punishment? Bullshit. Chris is to much of an E-Penis to let somone stay on here if they make a threat to anyone, regarless of their friedship, post count, or member status. It has happened before, in the not so distant past.

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Chris is to much of an E-Penis to let somone stay on here if they make a threat to anyone, regarless of their friedship, post count, or member status. It has happened before, in the not so distant past.


Ahhhhaha. I wasn't just an e-penis to you, I ranted in person to you for like 5 min. :D:p

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