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CR Spell Check

Devils Advocate

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That's it, I'm tired of seeing posts by people on here that contain such spelling atrocities as "saterday" and "camero" (especially when you OWN ONE). We're going to make a list of words that the majority of you fucktards fuck up on a regular basis.











-There (as in a place or where something is. Ex: Cletus, I put your Busch Light on the spool, over there.)

-Their (denotes possession of something. Ex: I stole Their women because they are dumbass rednecks)

-They're (Shortened version of They Are. Ex: They're stupid rednecks. They're at the store buying fixadent and pork rinds.)

-Commander (NOT cammeder, you fucktard)

-Squid (What all of the CO stunners except for chad are. These all end up smushed into the pavement at one point or another, and require commercial grade spatulas and a pressure washer to be put in their coffins. Squids suffer severe allergic reactions to thought proccesses produced by actual human brains, and may be mentally beaten into submission by being asked questions relating to anything but stopping a motorcycle on one wheel in the middle of a highway.)



That's all I have for now. If your IQ exceeds that of a Greyhound bus (The actual bus, not the passengers... although, it isn't like there's much of a difference there, is it?) Feel free to contribute to this thread. If your are a "CO STUNNA OMGNOEZ!?!?!", Please don't waste your entire week's allowance of brain waves to come up with something semi-intelligible. Instead, go headbutt and active circular saw and save the rear end of somebody's truck from recieving an unwanted wheelie bar. Bitches.

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-There (as in a place or where something is. Ex: Cletus, I put your Busch Light on the spool, over there.)

-Their (denotes possession of something. Ex: I stole Their women because they are dumbass rednecks)

-They're (Shortened version of They Are. Ex: They're stupid rednecks. They're at the store buying fixadent and pork rinds.)


I don't pray and I'm going to thank The Black Baby Jesus before I go to sleep tonight for that one.

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step 1, do a forum search for "grove city, grovetucky, sps," or "gearhead"


step 2, in one of the returned thread (any will work, just pick one), find a post by "gearhead559".


step 3, left click on "member profile" for "gearhead559".


step 4, left click on "view recent posts".


viola. a ready made list of incorrectly spelled words.

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Just remember I'm going to be at your house on thursday and I'm going to bring all my stunt dvd's and make you and all your friends watch them all night. lol CO Stunnas is making everyone on this forum hate stunters. I hope I'm still loved by a small few?



It took me thirty minutes to type this to make sure the grammar was correct. I hope I did a good job.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Scooter

I shortened the original post to make for expeditious reading...


-Squid (What all of the CO stunners except for chad are. These all end up smushed into the pavement at one point or another, and require commercial grade spatulas and a pressure washer to be put in their coffins. Squids suffer severe allergic reactions to thought proccesses produced by actual human brains, and may be mentally beaten into submission by being asked questions relating to anything but stopping a motorcycle on one wheel in the middle of a highway.)


Processes. Not proccesses. That is all.

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