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cptn janks

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I just donated a good portion of my paycheck to the red cross for hurricane relief. im sure that some of you probably live paycheck to paycheck and struggle to work, eat, pay rent, bills etc etc. If you are not one of those people, donate your a portion of your next paycheck to the Red Cross, or anything you can.


Sure, i could use the money to go to a movie, or pay for 3 dollar gas, but the people there can use the money sooner than later. The situation down there is pretty bad. These are Americans, just like you and me, and id like to see them have food and fresh water.





also, im not positive, but i think you can write off your taxes the amount you donate too.

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honestly I am not going to donate anything cause they had plenty of time to get the fuck out of there in NO. If they can afford to leave near the coast they can afford to buy thier own food and water. Sorry call me what ever but i dont feel bad at all for what has happened. i guess it should be a rude awaking to people who live in those areas. I have a friend who lives down there. he has like 4 kids and has a hard time finding a decent job and he said that there were plenty of shelters outside the city where it was safe. with plenty of supplies. All the things on the media is cause its all the morons who are still in the city who havent left cause they are looters. and all the people who are still there and alive are what you see on TV. Sorry there is a worse cause than that to help. like maybe help donate to a LOCAL charity or do something here locally. Why help the people that look like they are hurting when all they did were just stupid to not do anything before the storm.


(thats my two cents)

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honestly I am not going to donate anything cause they had plenty of time to get the fuck out of there in NO. If they can afford to leave near the coast they can afford to buy thier own food and water. Sorry call me what ever but i dont feel bad at all for what has happened. i guess it should be a rude awaking to people who live in those areas. I have a friend who lives down there. he has like 4 kids and has a hard time finding a decent job and he said that there were plenty of shelters outside the city where it was safe. with plenty of supplies. All the things on the media is cause its all the morons who are still in the city who havent left cause they are looters. and all the people who are still there and alive are what you see on TV. Sorry there is a worse cause than that to help. like maybe help donate to a LOCAL charity or do something here locally. Why help the people that look like they are hurting when all they did were just stupid to not do anything before the storm.


(thats my two cents)


But they "lost everything" (websters deffinition of everything is a mail box.)

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If they can afford to leave near the coast they can afford to buy thier own food and water.


LOL. you do know that 30% of the people who live in new orleans live below the poverty line?


you dont have any money to get out of town, so you pack up your meager possessions from your trailer or one room shack and go to the superdome or conference center where they just basically lock you in with 30,000 other people and dont help you very much at all... your shack/trailer has since washed away (which wasnt insured because, again, you are poor) and all you are left with is the clothes on your back.


additionally, even if they DO have money, where the hell are they going to go buy food? its not like the mcdonalds on the corner is still open :rolleyes:

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while im not as prude as others....


I dont really feal all that bad either. There was a lot of things that could have and SHOULD have happened DAYS before it ever hit. I was watching the O'Reily Factor this morning (dunno if anyone else saw it), but they were basically saying that neiter the Mayor of New Orleans, nor the Governer of Louisiana did anything to declare a state of emergancy JUST IN CASE of a worst case scenario... waht happend.... worst case scenario. Noone was in place, noone had communications, noone had any relief anywhere.


As for the people, they knew 3 days ahead of time that this monster was coming. Even if you took 1 day to pack up the bare esentials, that left you 48hrs to get out of the state before all hell broke loose... how many actully did that? Less than 3% actully followed the 3 day evacuation plan. Less than 12% followed the 2 day evacuation plan. Less than 20% made it out with less than 24hrs to go, and when it hit, everyone acted like they had no idea it was coming. IMO, if you dont have a plan for evacuting yourself and or family or dont know the one the STATE YOU LIVE IN WRITES OUT FOR YOU, and you lose everything you have... its your own damn fault.


I dont want to see these people suffer either, and actully had half a mind to load my car up with bottled water along with an army of 32 other vehicals i had set up, drive down and help out where ever i could.... but realisticaly, how far does a couple thousand bottles of water go??? A couple hours??? Half a day at best??? I say just let the RedCross help who they can, and let the Military do what theyre doing about the Levi's, and let the state move forward. When New York got hit, the state pulled together and recovered quickly. When Louisiana got hit... people went into a free forall looting spree, physicaly assulted people, shot at the people trying to help them, and are now trying to say the government is being racist.


This whole disaster... is a disaster. 2 big things and a lot of stupid people made this the terrible issue that it is.

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A different perspective: FEMA prepares itself for bombs, Flash floods, and other mass casualty events... as in one in which there arent a whole lot of survivors. Im confident that an event as serious as this has never left so many people alive and stranded in unreachable locations.


Dead people are a lot easier to collect and remove that breathing ones.


FEMA and the US resources were unprepared for sure, but who could have predictided a situation like this?

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Well Man I must say.. Thats fucking COLD. My freind lives down there going to school. I have not been able to get ahold of him. He is there for graphics college. ITs Bullshit that you think that. There are some people who just got caught up and could not afford. So I think you should think about what you say. I know if a major catstrophe happened in columbus I could not just up and leave that easly. If someone is posting about helping poeple don't be a dick. Think about this. Those who moved out of there have lost there ass they live in fucking shelter eating what poeple donate. Red cross is not just for helping those left behind but helping those who lost there entire life. And insurance wont cover everything. Kinda hard to show reciept when they washed away.





honestly I am not going to donate anything cause they had plenty of time to get the fuck out of there in NO. If they can afford to leave near the coast they can afford to buy thier own food and water. Sorry call me what ever but i dont feel bad at all for what has happened. i guess it should be a rude awaking to people who live in those areas. I have a friend who lives down there. he has like 4 kids and has a hard time finding a decent job and he said that there were plenty of shelters outside the city where it was safe. with plenty of supplies. All the things on the media is cause its all the morons who are still in the city who havent left cause they are looters. and all the people who are still there and alive are what you see on TV. Sorry there is a worse cause than that to help. like maybe help donate to a LOCAL charity or do something here locally. Why help the people that look like they are hurting when all they did were just stupid to not do anything before the storm.


(thats my two cents)

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if they have two leggs and can walk then grab your shit and leave. How do you think people in the old times even in poverty survived they got the fuck out of there by foot if need be. Its called natural selection. and im not sad by that at all.


Yes it does suck that alot of people died and probably not all of them were able to leave. the thing that pisses me off is the if they have no condition to move quickly in an enviroment like that then why live there. Its like buying a motorcycle for your main source of transportation when you live in Alaska.

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i can't believe how stupid some of you are... :nono:


a lot of these people can barely afford to put food on the table, let alone own a car. they couldn't get out even if they wanted to. besides, i'm sure a lot of you would refuse to abandon everything you own. it's easy to hide behind your keyboard and criticize other peoples' decisions. no one expected it to be this bad.


"they shot at the rescue helicopters and while inside the said dome the raped and murder people. no money from me....sorry."


the looters and everyone attacking soldiers/relief workers should be shot. lumping everyone else in with these people is beyond stupid. there are thousands of honest, hard working people that will die if someone doesn't help them. people are getting desperate.


"but realisticaly, how far does a couple thousand bottles of water go??? A couple hours??? Half a day at best???"


if it saved one person's life, would it be worthwhile?


"When New York got hit, the state pulled together and recovered quickly."


new york city wasn't rendered uninhabitable for several months. :rolleyes:


some of you people should be ashamed of yourselves. people just like you and me are starving to death while you bitch about gas prices.

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My shop is donating money to people effected by this through red cross or personally to one of our fellow Airmen that lost everything in Miss. some are donating to both causes while others donated to our co worker and refuse to donate to the red cross for fear that the looting, raping, killing peice of shit mother fuckers would benefit. And I cant say I blame them, those people ruined it for themselves, people are willing to help, but after seeing what is happening down there people are not going to help!


Another thing, I am sick and ashamed to call my self an american being in another country. We were sitting watching the Korean news and they showed what was happening in New Orleans, one of the civilian nationals that works with us looked at me and said, why are americans doing this? I had no answer for him, I felt ashamed and embarassed. All the world is watching this happen and as if the image of americans across the globe was not bad it is getting worse. Before this happened alot of the Koreans I talked to had a great opinion of americans, now some just kinda are in disbelief that, and this is a quote, "in a great country like america, why do people steal, and rape, and kill others when everything is bad enough" I am still proud to serve, and am happy to be american, but I find it hard to hang my head up high in a time like this.

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if they have two leggs and can walk then grab your shit and leave.


that makes about as much sense as me asking you to walk to cleveland with no food or water if columbus was underwater. give me a break...


the thing that pisses me off is the if they have no condition to move quickly in an enviroment like that then why live there.


because they're poor. :rolleyes:


what about the children trapped in NO? do they deserve to die too?

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Me and my uncle just got done boxing up about 400 dollars worth of water, salene bags, femine products, misc food and other "relief" tid bits to ship down to Ole Miss tomorrow. My uncle and 4 other fire fighters are taking a trailer down to assist. I think its pretty inhumane not to want to help others in a time of disaster. While i'll agree that these people are at fault for staying it doesn't mean I can't help them out. Hopefully karma will come full circle some day when i'm in need. Noone knew it would be this bad, have a heart.
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hey man when you guys leaving I wanna get some canned good together from my office if possible to send with you....


To Stealmonkey ever heard the saying if you dont have anything nice to say about a situation that is hurting alot of poeple then shut up. In all seriousness to insult and condone helping is worse then looting... Think about this NEWS posts what is good storys and if 1% of the poeple looted which im sure im not far off then itw ould hit the news because its a FEAR story. These poeple need help. WERE AMERICANS. MY suggestion to you is think about someone other then yourself man. Or just stop posting in this thread were gonna help poeple.



http://www.fark.com has a link to the offical fark donation page lets you donate via paypal if anyone needs



Me and my uncle just got done boxing up about 400 dollars worth of water, salene bags, femine products, misc food and other "relief" tid bits to ship down to Ole Miss tomorrow. My uncle and 4 other fire fighters are taking a trailer down to assist. I think its pretty inhumane not to want to help others in a time of disaster. While i'll agree that these people are at fault for staying it doesn't mean I can't help them out. Hopefully karma will come full circle some day when i'm in need. Noone knew it would be this bad, have a heart.
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new york city wasn't rendered uninhabitable for several months.


Yea but the financial loss was far worse. The loss of life was the worst thing ever, but noone reembers how some peoples live were absolutly turned upside down because of the destruction of the offices in those buildings. Hell im not by any means rich, but i lost $29,000 on my mutal funds with Morgan Stanly after that. $29,000 is a BIG FUCKIN CHUNK OF CHANGE TO ME. Because of that i walked/ roller bladed 3.5 miles to work and home 4 days a week, lost my aprtment and lived out of my car and with friends for 6 weeks, and got tagged with a monster $6,600 college tuition bill 2 weeks after that... which i couldnt pay. I had to quit school because of that shit.


In that time, despite my own financial loss, i went and did my part. I gave 3 pints of blood, put together boxes and boxes of canned gods and over the counter medical supplies together, cases of water, and gave them to the PD that picked it all up. I was effected by 9/11... if you werent, feal lucky.


I could really care less about the state of Louisiana. Ive never been there, dont ever plan to go there, dont know anyone that lives there. If a group wants to get together and trek down there to help rebuild a church or something, even being an athiest, id do it. Ill volunteer my time, sweat, and blood all day long for someone who truely needs it... but my money stays in my pocket.

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"Yea but the financial loss was far worse."


you sure about that? the cleanup effort is going to cost a lot of money. NO wasn't the only city devastated by this storm. a LOT of people (500,000 in NO alone) are going to have to start over. a huge number businesses have been damaged/destroyed. it's going to be a while before we realize the full effect of this hurricane.


"In that time, despite my own financial loss, i went and did my part. I gave 3 pints of blood, put together boxes and boxes of canned gods and over the counter medical supplies together, cases of water, and gave them to the PD that picked it all up."


awesome! :)


"Ill volunteer my time, sweat, and blood all day long for someone who truely needs it... but my money stays in my pocket."


fair enough.


not everyone down there is a criminal. it doesn't matter if they tried to get out or not, no one deserves what happened to those people. you can debate what they should have done all you want, hind sight is always 20/20. no one was ready for this...

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The Insured Loss ALONE, BY ITSELF... was $9.3 billion. Thats just the total amount of money given out to familys from policies held by those who were killed. The Property damage was over $7 billion. The hit to Wall Street was $17.6 billion. The total amount of money issued for aid/relief, and clean up was $21.4 billion. Now i dont know how many millions of dollars was traded around and or lost by the mass of individuals involved with the stock market or mutal funds like myself, but even without that the finacial loss was $55.3 billion.... i dont know how much worse it can get w/o laying a mushroom cloud somewhere.
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This is what happens when you depend on the government to 'do for you' and don't take responsibility for yourself and your safety. There are some people that couldn't get out - walking out isn't an option - you are safer staying indoors then trying to walk two days out and facing a hurricane of that size out in the open, but you HAVE to prepare yourself for the aftermath.


Worse, the City of New Orleans appeared to have no plan in place to help those people that couldn't leave. Surely they were aware that there are a lot of people that would have a difficult time getting far away in two days time. Why weren't they better prepared? Isn't that one of the jobs of a mayor and one of the jobs of the state government?


Mayor Nagin is a joke - all he did was whine. One survivor indicated they were told to go to the convention center (where Nagin was), and when he got there, there was no one to tell them what to do. Two things are wrong with this:

1) You should have a plan - when the shit hits the fan, it's every man for himself, especially when law and order break down

2) The mayor was there -why wasn't he providing leadership?


It's a terrible tragedy and it's terrible that the rest of the world gets to see the worst side of Americans come out. I don't recall big problems like this happening after the Tsunami. Maybe because those people know how to 'do for themselves' more than we do.

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Hell im not by any means rich, but i lost $29,000 on my mutal funds with Morgan Stanly after that. $29,000 is a BIG FUCKIN CHUNK OF CHANGE TO ME.



Quite honestly, if I were to take the same mentality of SmartStealthMonkey, I would now criticize you for putting all your eggs in one basket and putting an amount of money in a fund with risk that would cause catastrophic damage to your financial position if lost (regardless of the usual low risk of mutual funds). I would say it's your own fault for not having the fiscal forsight to predict the potential severity of a national crisis. I would berate you for being so ignorant as not to have enough cash stashed under your mattress to sustain your needs in the event of a financial disaster. I might even tell you that with financial decisions like that, you definitely need to be calling my sister who happens to be a financial advisor to ensure that something like that never happens again.


But I wouldnt, cause Im not stealthmonkey.

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I realize that these are Amercian people. And I feel ashamed to admit that. Americans will not accept help from other Americans? They will not comply to laws that are in exsistance even though it's a time of crisis when there are very few law enforcement officers to keep things in check? They can shoot at helicopters that are trying to bring aid to the area, but were unable to steal a car, or get on a bus and get the fuck out the area?


It's a costal city. This shit happens each and every year at costal citys. A bad ass hurricane comes along and fucks shit up, and then everyone feels sorry those that are living in the area. Not me. I'm tired of hearing about it, and tired of seeing it in the news. Fuck the coast, DON'T LIVE THERE IF YOU DON'T WANT THIS SHIT TO HAPPEN.


I feel no pain nor sorrow for any of them. The coast is nice to visit, I have been there. But I would NEVER try to live there. And what kind of idiot builds a city that is below sea level? I mean really, what was the thought process on that one? These are just some of the things that come to my mind when I think of New Orleans.


So I will not be following suite, not now, nor ever. As far as I an concerned these people did this to themselves and now they have to live (or die) with the decisions that they made.

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As far as I an concerned these people did this to themselves and now they have to live (or die) with the decisions that they made.


if you're born there, and you can't afford to leave, what the hell are you supposed to do? :rolleyes:


LOL. you do know that 30% of the people who live in new orleans live below the poverty line?
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So I will not be following suite, not now, nor ever. As far as I an concerned these people did this to themselves and now they have to live (or die) with the decisions that they made.


I dont really believe in Karma, nor do I think that by donating that Im going to get anything more than a tax break... But if I did, I would hope that your statement/mindset comes back to bite you in the ass so very hard.

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