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Exxon doing quite well for itself


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Without reading it, let me take a guess. Exxon's profits are up something like 30% from last year, and gas prices are up about 30% from last year too. Hmmm.........coincidence?

And a former oilman just passed a bill giving massive tax breaks to the oil companies while drastically cutting R&D funding for alternative sources of fuel.

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Without reading it, let me take a guess. Exxon's profits are up something like 30% from last year, and gas prices are up about 30% from last year too.

No, almost 70%



Do you realize President Bush has just given a tax break to ExxonMobil?'' thundered Rep. Ed Markey (D-Malden). ``Of all the companies in the history of the world that needed a tax break, this month, ExxonMobil should be at the bottom of the list.''



Oil companies came under new fire yesterday when it emerged that ExxonMobil's profits are likely to soar above $10 billion this quarter on the back of the fuel crisis.


That's $110 million a day, and more net income than any company has ever made in a quarter. It's also a stunning 69 percent increase over the same period a year ago and a 34 percent jump from the $7.6 billion Exxon made just last quarter.


And their buying back their own shares, to the tune of $5 billion a quarter. They're obviously expecting further increases. They also dont need no tax break if they can larf off $5bill a quarter.

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Another thought;

Buying back thier stock. If they do become 100% self owned again, they no longer have to publicaly report their earnigs, like they did this quarter. In fact, with no shareholders to report to, they'll be permitted to keep alot of stuff out of the public eye.

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I say that we start a movement to make all oil companies non-profit.


Every day, ExxonMobil supplies about 100 million gallons of gasoline to our customers in more than 100 countries.(source:http://www.exxonmobil.com/Corporate/Newsroom/Publications/c_gas_prices/c_gettinggas_ix.html)


With that being said, the article quotes $110 million dollars a day profit. Hmmm, that's one dollar profit per gallon of gasoline.


What needs to be done is this, there needs to be a no-drive day, make it a fucking national holiday, and pay us. A day in which no-one is allowed to drive except for emergencies, i.e. Level 3 snow emergency.


You can't stop the demand by, purchasing gas from a different gas station or having a "don't buy gas day". To decrease the demand we have to stop using oil products for a day. I think it would work, if we all held hands together, but fuck it.......I'm dreaming.

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I'll need two tanks.. the big ones. Oh, and I'll need em by tonight.


Did the fuck tard oil company give even a damn cent to the hurricane?

They just profit off it. Their damage equipment will be paid for by insurance, and they're making up for lost production plus OH so much more by raising prices.

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Hasn't anybody else noticed that the "boycott gas" emails always want you to skip buying gas the day BEFORE prices shoot up? Meaning you'd end up paying MORE the day after the protest, and thus making the oil companies pockets even larger? Ever wonder where those emails come from......

If this trend is consistent, you've brought up a very interesting stat.

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