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"Pulled Over" Update...


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So I went to court today, to see if I could take care of that pesky little ticket that said I was going 21 over the speed limit. The judge seemed like a decent fellow and after he read the charges against me, I pleaded "Not Guilty" and then explained that where I was stopped, it was a 65mph zone. Then he said that it will be corrected when I have my trial so I ended up pleading "No Contest" for going 75 in a 65 zone after he told me that he will reduce the speed by 1, making it 0 points, as opposed to 2 points on my license if I was convicted later on down the line. So I had to pay a fine and court costs, which was $97 as opposed to letting this thing drag out and making me go back out to Lisbon, which is a nice ride on a motorcycle but a bit of a bore in my car. All in all it was no big deal.

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that's cool you got it worked out and it was only a kick in the financial balls at the end of the day

I'd call the $100 more of a kick in the knees, the $7000+ I paid to divorce my ex was a kick in the balls, and the $30K in outstanding debt....I don't know where that kick was aimed....

Glad you didn't get the points on your license.

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Actually, a kick to the knees administered correctly will change your whole life instead of just making you sing a little higher when the balls get bruised. This is why I will never get married. If she loves me enough, she will respect my wishes. When women are obsessed with a ring, I am obsessed with hiring an escort. Buy American...

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Yep, pay the speeding tax, ring the cash register ... carry on

That was basically my point too in the first thread

I even had one judge describe the Troopers as the "State Outreach Fund"!! :lol:

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Uhmm.. I thought all speeding tickets were 2pts on your license... unless they were a certain amount over the limit then they can be 4pts.

They are moving violations and therefore points are addressed.

Those things are always at the discretion of the municipalities. Officers don't HAVE to give you a ticket, the judge doesn't HAVE to assess you points. Everything is negotiable in our fine justice system. How do you think the lawyers do it? I've has several speeding tickets reduced or changed to something that would not put points on my license. Some judges are personable and willing to work with you....and lots won't give you the time of day.

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Well, I don't really hit the freeways too much and when I am out in the curves, I am not bothered by the police. A few days ago I was close to running over a live rabbit and a groundhog that was jaywalking. Animals present more danger than LEO's, out in the twisties. I was stopped on my way home, after taking a new road that had some turns. Not too technical but fun. I just wish I saw more bikes of my kind rather than Harley's.

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It depends on how the judge filed the offense. I've never had/seen a ticket for less than 9 MPH go down as a moving violation let alone without points. I would think the judge changed the charge to something other than speeding to get him 0 points. And the insurance companies have to run reports routinely to catch these citations....lots don't even do them yearly. His rates may never change.

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Dear, Rt.11 is a 65mph zone unless you are driving a vehicle that weighs more than 4 tons. Even the judge agreed with me that the ticket was wrong, although they still could have gone after me for the speed I was clocked at. So rather than spend three kinds of assloads of money on a lawyer, I pleaded "No Contest" to a lesser speeding charge and I got out of there. You hicks don't even know the speed of your own roads, just like the LEO, and that was his job;)

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So I went to court today, to see if I could take care of that pesky little ticket that said I was going 21 over the speed limit. The judge seemed like a decent fellow and after he read the charges against me, I pleaded "Not Guilty" and then explained that where I was stopped, it was a 65mph zone. Then he said that it will be corrected when I have my trial so I ended up pleading "No Contest" for going 75 in a 65 zone after he told me that he will reduce the speed by 1, making it 0 points, as opposed to 2 points on my license if I was convicted later on down the line. So I had to pay a fine and court costs, which was $97 as opposed to letting this thing drag out and making me go back out to Lisbon, which is a nice ride on a motorcycle but a bit of a bore in my car. All in all it was no big deal.

Well... I'm glad that you are happy with only paying $97. I'm sure you will be even more happy when your insurance finds out about it.

When you brought up the fact that the speed was correct, he said he would change it... It sounds like you just let it go? Wrong information voids the ticket. A lot of people go to court and are charged with citations when in actuality, the citation should be dismissed. Do you think the judge, without arguing with you, is going to tell you that it should be thrown out? No, they want money. You have to be persistent about the ticket containing errors.

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Dear, Rt.11 is a 65mph zone unless you are driving a vehicle that weighs more than 4 tons. Even the judge agreed with me that the ticket was wrong, although they still could have gone after me for the speed I was clocked at. So rather than spend three kinds of assloads of money on a lawyer, I pleaded "No Contest" to a lesser speeding charge and I got out of there. You hicks don't even know the speed of your own roads, just like the LEO, and that was his job;)

No asshole, I asked if you were on Rt eleven, because you didn't say you were, and I couldn't think of any OTHER ROADS BESIDES RT11 that would have been 65, so i assumed you were, and asked. as for being a hick I'm not, i was born in Ft. Hood Texas and spent allot of my childhood in Hawaii. I'm an Army Brat thank you very much.

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Someone's pantyhose is in a bunch, it appears. Well, I guess you didn't see that little smiley face I put at the end of my paragraph, indicating my sarcasm. Hawaii, huh? Well, we all have our faults. However, there is no excuse for being born in Texas;)

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I graduated High School there, back in '93. It's a good thing that the public schools sucked because if they were actually challenging on an academic level, I'd still be there. Still, I had some good times there and my memory can recall some great detail, especially how I really wanted my social studies teacher. She had great legs...

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Well, I could have taken it to court for the ticket being wrong and maybe getting it dismissed. Maybe. The judge said that the speed would have been corrected before the trial, charging me with going 11 over. I just have to watch my speed on highways.

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