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One more reason to hate the Mazda Forum


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Well as some of you read last week I was pissed off at some idiots posting on the Mazda Board. Well today I log on to find a thread titled: "A paint question and I got jewed!" Not only that, but his post went on to say:


ok so i dropped my bumper and fenders off to get painted (hit a deer). after the shop jewed me around for like 6 weeks i went to pick them up and they were painted ORANGE!


The first reply said:

your use of the word jewed is offensive

Followed by such gems as:

Dex...leave the poor boy alone...

Jesus Christ, pussies... This ain't the U.N. Ever hear of the first amendment?

People need to grow some skin.


But you did use it wrong...........

There's a correct usage for that?


hhahahah... jewed!~!!!!

Whatever, give me a break. Grow some skin. They are words. Get over it. Saying someone is an asshole or whatever or other name is just as "bad".

I think racism is stupid and it's just a way for people to get attention for themselves. I honestly can say that I would not give a sh!t if someone called me a dumb polock or a nazi or an irish mick or whatever. What makes saying jewed or stupid jew or ****er any different to the point where you're not allowed to say it anywhere? I'm so sick of people trying to find a reason to feel sorry for themselves and say things offend them when the only people that should've possibly been offended by it are their anscestors from like 50-200 years ago.


I'm glad that CR is one of the forums on the internet that's actually moderated. Not only that, but I can't believe that people are actually defending his use of the word! If someone had used the "n-word" in the same context people would be up in arms and they would probably have him banned immediately. Fuckin a I hate ricer forums! Not only do I need to open up my own shop, but now I have to start my own forum.

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I just don't give a shit. Though I don't go around here posting racial slurs, I don't get all up in a hissy fit when I read them either. Sometimes people WANT to find something to be offended by. But I also have pretty thick skin, and can take a lot of bullshit without blowing my top. Some people can't.
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Mallard and Anthony - a lot of people don't realize that the word 'jewed' (spelling?) is a slur.


I didn't realize it was an insult for a number of years. I always thought of it as a compliment of someone's bargaining skills (at least that is how I always used it).



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I'm a pissed off Jew, now :p




Anyone reading this, I'm actually Jewish and pissed off. So, I am a pissed off Jew, Hebrew, whatever. Thanks :)



not that it dont say head Hebrew under your name or anything but on CR we only care if you are a ricer for the most part ;)

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political correctness is slowly destroying the fabric of society.


you should see how crappy the lives of these people who live above the marathon station i work at are. and when they starting bitching at us for making noise (we fix cars!), things didnt get better for them

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