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Douchebag in a blue Intrepid by Passen


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Friday night I was putting in my hours doing the whole pizza delivery thing, and I get a delivery to the house right next door to Passen, so I'm about to turn left into the customer's driveway, and this douchebag in a blue Intrepid comes whipping up out of nowhere, trying to pass me on the wrong side of the road, and almost takes out my front end right in the process as he almost swerves into the customer's driveway/the sorta driveway area of Passen's entrance.


Fuck you, this is America and we drive on the right, knobgobbler.

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He wanted to show his mad tyte drifting skillz YO! by drifting aroud you. To bad it wasnt into a mailbox.

The saddest thing about that is that I've been forced to "drift" (more like powerslide) around a GMC van and a Nissan pickup one after the other near where I live because the GMC decided to start making a left turn into the complex right as I was .5 seconds from occupying the space that his van was about to turn through with my Probe, while Mr. Ugly Black Nissan Pickup With Ugly Spoiler decides now is the best possible time to make a right turn into the only available lane to get into to avoid this retarded ass pirate. :nono:


Why the fuck are these people getting licenses?

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