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fucking scavengers

Science Abuse

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So a dude in our apt complex just got evicted. Land lords chucked his shit out to the parking lot. Word is, he's hospitalized on the heels of an suicide attempt or some such stuff. What pissed me off is the fact that the pile was absolutely overrun with people within a few hours. If someone gets evicted, they should at least get a chance to come get their stuff. The quickness with which the worthless scavening scum had picked the pile clean of valuables fucking discusts me. I've been working and holding jobs since I was 13 so that I'd never have to stoop to suck a weak and prideless act.
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depend's on the lease! looter's suck!

Rob is CR's eviction specialist.


He also specializes in anything that poor or dirty people partake in. So if you have hit rock bottom and need advice, PM Rob he lives in those conditions and can tell you how to deal with it.

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Sad, but that's the way it works. My family owns a lot of real estate and we have had to do that before to people. It doesn't happen often, but it has happened a couple times. I guess it would depend on the situation as to whether or not the guy deserved to have his crap set out on the curb. I'd almost bet though, that he had plenty of notice before it happened. Still sucks though.
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Rob is CR's eviction specialist.


He also specializes in anything that poor or dirty people partake in. So if you have hit rock bottom and need advice, PM Rob he lives in those conditions and can tell you how to deal with it.

Fucking LMAO. I rarely literally laugh out loud at shit people post on the internet, but that was fucking funny.

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Sad, but that's the way it works. My family owns a lot of real estate and we have had to do that before to people. It doesn't happen often, but it has happened a couple times. I guess it would depend on the situation as to whether or not the guy deserved to have his crap set out on the curb. I'd almost bet though, that he had plenty of notice before it happened. Still sucks though.

I absolutely understand. If you dont pay, you're gone. But loosing your roof and all of your possesions is just a damn shitty shame. That's a good way to make a laid off unemployed joe into a street sleepin bumb. You cant get no job if all your clothes were stolen.

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