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Want to buy a Video Camera, what should I look for?


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Well our daughter is 3 months, and is trying to crawl, moves a lot plus with all the holiday's coming up that'll be her "first's" we figured we might as well start looking now for a good quality video camera that'll give us some good years.


I'd like something small and compact, with good zoom and great battery life. Do video camera's still use tapes or can I use the little chips that I use in my digital camera?


I'm gonna go scope out Best Buy, Circuit City and HHGregg this week, any other places I should check out?


Just some tips would be good, like how much zoom is good, other specs because I have no clue what they are, etc etc.




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A mini dv 3 ccd camera like Panasonic would be a good choice the 3 ccd bit is 3 chips managing reds greens and blues instead of just one so the quality is waay better when you play it back on a tv or laptop.

Honestly I would look online at say godaddy or something like that, read the reviews and when your ready to buy get them to throw in a spare battery they wheel a deal on the phone, because you will need it if your out all day.


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Tip 1: Dont buy at a retail store, Unless you like burning money.


I have the panasonic PV-GS65. Its a 3 CCD (image chip) camera. Very compact and quite affordable.


Tip 2: Search the internets for the best price



I've been researching them online all afternoon, and actually I did see that exact camera online, The 3ccd did look interesting. Not a bad price either.


I am deciding between DV or DVD format. I think I'm leaning towards a camcorder that burns directly to a DVD because then all I have to do is pop it in the dvd player or whatever, rather than uploading/downloading from that to my comp to some type of storage thing.


I don't know how comfortable I feel about buying on Ebay, but I might buy online rather than instore, I guess they all seem about the same price. I don't think I want to spend more than $500, although I might splurge.


thanks guys

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after you find a model you like, you can go here and find out all the info you want/care to know about it!




this is where i went this spring and did all of my research before i went and bought mine.

personally i would get a mini dv instead of a dvd camcorder for the simple fact of price and "most" dvd cams you CANNOT edit/record over previous video without copying the dvd to your harddrive anyway! :(

and there are a few cams out there that record to a mini hard drive.......but you better have a WAD-O-CASH for them!!!



good luck and happy hunting!!


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