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Terribilis est locus iste?

Science Abuse

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Yes, putz.




It's not a bad translation, it's much more genuine than what you can get from translating out of a book. ;)

It's a dead language, there's only one place you can find it! :p


Oh, and taking the class for three years couldn't have hurt either, but we still used books. :p


If what you wanted to say was "this place is terrible", why is "iste" in there?

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If im not mistaken, it is from the book of genisis in tha bible. The original translation has changed, and in the bible terible had the opisite meaning, it was used as we would use awesome or great today.


Wow, much closer than I would have expected anyone on CR to get. Not right, but much closer than Eric could ever get. Hah.

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Wow, much closer than I would have expected anyone on CR to get. Not right, but much closer than Eric could ever get. Hah.

Liturgical latin is not real latin. :nono:

At best you might convince some one to think you meant "This place is that terrible, but you'd have to be comparing it to something. As it sits, the closest translation would be "That place is terrible", but still wrong. Like so much from the bible, it's intrinsically fucked up. :p

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