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So i just figured out the other day that i am immune to bee venom. The other day i was driving to home from work and a bee flew into my car, i swatted, it stung me in the arm, then left out the window at about 75mph. It hurt a little bit but it was more like itching than stinging or throbbing. So i get home to see this massive red bump about the size of a dime already formed around the sting. In the center was a small black dot, the stinger, which i carefully removed with my Jegs digital read-out micrometer... i couldnt find tweezers.


About 20min later i looked at it again and it seemed to have a small yellowing dot forming abournd where the stinger was. It didnt hurt to touch and even press on. So curious to see if what was forming would come out, i kinda squeezed on the sting bump. Low and behold, a small small drop of yellowish translucent fluid seeped out which i took to be the venom form the sting. 30min later, the bump was gone and i had only but a small red dot on my arm like i had been pricked with a clothes pin.


So in 1 hours time, i had gotten stung, swelled up, my body appearently told the venom to fuck off, and the swelling had gone away. So in closing, the bee died while i only lost 1hp for about an hour.

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About 20min later i looked at it again and it seemed to have a small yellowing dot forming abournd where the stinger was. It didnt hurt to touch and even press on. So curious to see if what was forming would come out, i kinda squeezed on the sting bump. Low and behold, a small small drop of yellowish translucent fluid seeped out which i took to be the venom form the sting.

It was puss/plasma, not venom. The venom is a very loos liquid, and in suct a small dose that you would have never seen it. It's absorbed and carried off instatly by the bloodstreem. Immunity just means theres no ill effect from it coursing through your veins, not "OMG my body rejcted it! LOLLERZ!".


I never use tweazers when a Micrometer is available, they fucking rock.


I cannot be killed by conventional weaponry.

Is it because you sleep hanging upside down?

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actully what i just typed was something my roommate had said last night during our $1 high card game. On the way to Cincinnati a cople weeks ago the 4 of them came up with Incredible Schall as a nickname... for some reason they think its "kickass", as they say. Then when i told them how i got stung by the bee and all it really did was make a bump for about an hour and piss me off little bit, they ade up the story.. i just thought it was funny and deemed it worth repeating :D


It was much funnier in person though because one of my buddies was doing it in a Nepolean Dynamite voice... we laughed for quite a while.

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I can't get a rash from poison ivy.


I ate it once as a kid, and developed a super immunity to it.



I would fucking kill not get poison ivy i get it and i get it really badBTW nice Jews rock thing with your picture ;) Was scary as shit. I was like WTF was that because it caught the corner of my eye.

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