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Yuppers. Hoping to ship out in Nov. I was going for the Highway Patrol but decided that all my efforts and hard work that I have been training for would be better put to use in the Corps. Plus it is hard work, honorable and something I feel will make me a better person. I was in the Navy and just didnt find what I wanted there. So I am going for Military Police- Dog handler position and hoping to leave for Parris Island in Nov. I have been busting my ass for this. Lost 51 lbs and 10 inches off my fat ass and been training really hard with a few Marine friends of mine.
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I guess it's time to move away and do something new, huh? Good job on loosing weight but how is your run time looking?


Have you already signed up with a ETA to boot camp? If not, I would look into the Air Force. Nothing bad about the Marines, they just do things a little different. If that's the lifestyle you want then go for it. Since you were already in the Navy, I can't see why you would look at the Marines!?!? Most go Army or AF from the Navy or Marines....


What rank are you going in as? Just curious if you have sold all the toys or not because they aren't real friendly with new recruits and vehicles. Depending where your training school is after basic, you might not see them for 6 or 8 months+. Plus you may not have a lot of extra money laying around once you are shipped around.


Good luck and let me know how things go.



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Well my run times are pretty good. I have my 3 mile run in 20 mins average. The push ups are around 50-55 in 2 mins my sit ups are around the same and I have been doing my training all on the male standards so I can fly through the female standards.


I am set on the Marine Corps because of the honor that goes with it. Nothing against the other branches. I think the Air Force is a great branch just kinda not what I was looking for. My grammy was inthe Air Force, uncles were Marines, and Navy and grampa was Army. lol So kinda all mixed it together lol.


My schedule will be...


Parris Island, S.C. 13 WEEKS


Camp Greiger, N.C 45 DAYS (Marine Combat Training)

Leave (or maybe not)

Then to Ft. Leanordwood, MO. (MP School) I think 12 or 13 weeks but cant remember


Then to the duty station. YeeHaw!


I am keeping my E-3 and keeping all my toys still. The engine is soon to be all done from MI then Ill have it all put together while Im gone... Not really worried if I cant see it for a long time... be a break from it anyways haha!


But overall Im flying on my PFT, loosing weight and already memorized my general orders, rifle creed, COC, Chain of command, etc. My Gunny has been helping me everyday and I have been working out 5 times a day. So I am confident that I will do well. How long were you in ?

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All branches of service have honor and all branches have people that shouldn't be in the military at all. Same with any job. I love the AF but the people have caused me to look at other options. This will be my last enlistment (9-years), I don't care how much the bonus is.


I am just shocked you looked into the Marines. If you weren't happy in the Navy you sure as hell aren't going to like the Marines. I have several friends in the Corp and several that have swapped branches because of the mentality. They call them jarheads for a reason. The service isn't the same since Vietnam, Korean War, etc...the mindset has changed. Whatever floats your boat though, I just hope you aren't back in Columbus in a couple months eliminated.


I would still go check out the Air Force MP's if your into that before you go. I don't want you to be sorry when your crying in your bunk wishing it would end in the second week of basic.


Are you getting any kind of signing bonus? How many years are you locked in for? Anything else the recruiter has promissed you that's not in writing?


I wish you the best, just don't want to see you get screwed around or over.

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I gotta ask? It seems that Amy's made her mind up to do something and it seems that part of the members here instead of wishing her luck with it, are berating the desision. Yall suck.


Amy, good luck! Hope that things work out for you and all the hard work pays off.

BTW, as far as the 50 lbs and 10 inches...we really need some pics here. :D

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Yeah I have been training especially hard for this. I have 3 Marines that have been drilling, training, and trying to educate me the best they can. I know I will do well! Thanks guys for the encouragment!


BTW I never believe anything a recruiter says.. learned that before. lol


BTW Josh I think the Air Force has a lot of good options I just want the challenge the Marines offer (not saying other branches dont have challenges... but you know what Im saying )


BTW Smokinhawk its not fad you brat! lol haha!


Ill post pics when I graduate from the Island! :-) Everyone be good! (NOT) lol

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That is too damn funny! lol


Anyhoos, Smokinhawk... Im only 24 and the age cut off I think is 29 (least that is what it is on there web site...)


To everyone who doesnt believe in me .. poo off!! To all those who do, thanks for the support! Yee haw!

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wait wait wait, let me get this straight...they give you guys TWO minutes to do pushups and situps!? In the air force they only give us 1 minute, but we still have to do 55 situps and 62 pushups to max it out (lately Ive had time to spare though)

oh, you know where the name marines came from?

A sailor took a shit in a fan and it went marrriiiiiinnne

haha a navy guy told me that one ;)

But good luck, make us all proud

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