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a little favor to ask


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as many of you members know i was a new father in april and my little guy has a few medical problems. he spent the first month in the hospital for a problem with his asophagus all fixed now. but there has always been a underlying problem with his heart, he has a hole in his heart (between the right and left ventricle) any way today he will have his heart surgery to have this problem repaired. the favor i am wanting to ask is that you all can say a little prayer for him today i am not a real religous man but i do belive there is a higher power that is watching over us all. so if any of you can take a little time to say a little something for my baby boy connor i would greatly appricate it. every little bit helps


thanks for all the best wishes and prayers Rolla

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oh i forgot to add that he is expected to pull through this with flying colors his condition is a fairly common. plus he is a stubborn little version of me, he will be fighting the doctors the whole time and he is in the best hands possible (childrens hospital ) i will keep you all posted on the progress. thanks again Rolla
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good luck, Im sure he will pull through fine...if you dont mind me asking where the operation is at and who is performing it? I've had a few heart operations myself and im wondering if it was my doctor.
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first thing thank you for all the best wishes and prayers. second i just got home from the hospital and conner pulled through like a champ. the surgery went perfect and he will not have any sports restrictions or pase makers. his blood oxygen levels are good and high. he is good and pink and is resting peasefully. if he keeps this up we should have him home by the begning of the week. i am so happy now, this is a huge weight off my shoulders.


to answer roo21s question his surgery was preformed at childrens hospital and the surgen dr. mark galantowicz. this dr is concidered one of the best in the country. i cant say thanks enough to this man he fixed my little boy.:thumbup:

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