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wild shit


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so lately its been crazy, a few of u hear the story of me chasing after som ehit and run punks on foot. and today well damn


i ride my bike 20 miles a day, if not more, depending on weather. i ride the olentangy trail. there is an intersection at north broad and some other road. I cross that intersection twice per day on bike.


Well i crossed on the way towards campus and on the way back a bicyclist had been hit by a car. That light changed no more than 10 times by the time i came back. From what it looks like the cyclist was waiting to cross northbroad and someone hit him/her...the bike was pinned on a light pole. i watched for a few mins. as the ambulance came the victim was place don a stretcher and they got the white cloth out, it looked liked they draped it over the victim....IE death.


FUCK this could have been me. before i came to the scene of the accident, i stopped because i saw some girl walking her bike so i stopped to ask her what was wrong and if she needed help. maybe if i hadn't stopped i would have been waiting at that light also? shit like this just leaves you shaken/thinking


i hope the cyclist survived but if not....RIP :(

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before i came to the scene of the accident, i stopped because i saw some girl walking her bike so i stopped to ask her what was wrong and if she needed help. maybe if i hadn't stopped i would have been waiting at that light also?

Hetorosexuality saves :)


Good to hear everyone is still alive. I never hit the roads with headphones, you need all your senses.

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She lived, but a message to any person that rides, do not have head phones in, you can not hear the car coming. She had her ipod blazing and reports say she just rode right out...



that was the one on campus on lane ave.


this one the biker was waiting to cross and got pinned between the car and the light pole. on north broad.

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