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My Head Hurts


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So today I was takin some shit to the burn pile behind our garageand slammed the door to make sure it shut with the wind at the time. It pissed off a nest of bees,or hornets. ( They are where we had to remove part of teh wall on the outside to repair something). As I was walkin back into the garage to finish the heads on the Camaro I got "swarmed" by a few of them and came out with a nice stinger in my forehead! fuckin shits ar going to DIE tonite when they are all in the nest. Second time they tried to get me.


Needless to say I still have the last 3 steps fo teh torque sequence left to do ill get later tonite or tomarow(sp). Figured id share. :mad:

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1. soak their nest in ether. 2. light it. 3. payback's a bitch.



I would but the fuckin thing is in the garage walls! I dont need a burnt garage, burnt car, burnt parts etc... but i was thinking bout getin a fire extinguisher and freezing the thing and all that.



My left eye is starting to close with The swelling im going to pay a visit to the doctor and take some benadryl(sp)


I hope its cool cuz i need to finish my car tonite and tommarow :)

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