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Fucking cab driver threw something at my car


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ok since my other thread isn't working here's my point:


All of you: Greasemonkey, sweet8, kohones, rx7. Whether you agree with me or not, think about this: What is your cultural identity? Where did your ancestors come from? I'm pretty sure they didn't come from here to begin with. I'll share with you my cultural identity, and then give you a little heartwarming story. My mother's side of the family came over to america in 1812 with the arrival of Ben Wood, an Austrian who began one of the largest cigar companies in New York at the time. He married Rosalyn Cowles, who was also Austrian, but through the centuries some other nationalities were intertwined with the Wood-Cowles family. My father was born in Portugal and lived there for 15 years in poverty most of your feeble minds cannot begin to fathom. We'll just say he did not know the luxury of hot running water until he was 16. He came over to America then. He took a job as a paper boy, and now after 32 years of building his life up, getting through grad school, and working shit jobs to make ends meet, I guarantee you he makes more money than 99.9% of all of you. He's a foreigner, he speaks with a very slight accent, and he recently resigned from Nationwide because of an anti-ethnic sentiment he felt there. Now you know what he's doing? He's working TO PROTECT all you motherfuckers. Rememer that Noe guy that fucked around with all YOUR taxpayer money? Yeah, Ohio hired my dad to fix that and get the state's finances back on track. So you can sit around and bash foreigners all you want for stealing American jobs, or lowering your quality of life, or whatever your political party tells you to believe, but before that you have to consider. Is your cultural identity simply "American"?



Apologies to Mojoe for this, but the ignorance is getting to me.

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3.8 GPA ~800 hours of volunteer work while holding a steady job.


Ok, cool :cool: Berto, before you take this as a personal attack, it's not. I was just curious, and I couldnt remember as I know we have talked about this before.


I think it's pretty fucked up that someone like myself has to pay full price for college when someone with worse grades, and less extra cirricular activities goes for next to nothing if not free just because they are X minority or they are X% American Indian.


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its all a viscious cycle. that happens because someone not you might have declined a minority because some one cut them off on the highway. make sense? I'd be nice if we lived in a utopia. but ain't gonna happen.
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its all a viscious cycle. that happens because someone not you might have declined a minority because some one cut them off on the highway. make sense? I'd be nice if we lived in a utopia. but ain't gonna happen.


I dont want a utopia...I want equal treatment. If X person can get free college just for being X, then I want free college for being American. See the point?


Alex, calm the fuck down...no one is insulting your dad.

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And people wonder why everyone hates America. Get an education, you racist ignorant piece of shit.


Interesting. However, there are two problems with these two statements.


1) The guy Rick went off on is physically located in the USA, aka America. You know, that country between MEXICO and CANADA in the Western Hemisphere? This guy was driving like a DOUCHEBAG in America (according to Rick, we weren't there, so we'll have to take his word for it). So, if you come to AMERICA (see above if you have already forgotten it's location), and you 'drive like a degenerate' (as someone pointed out) and fail to obey the laws, how is it that an AMERICAN (read: a citizen of these United States) in AMERICA pointing out that you are a moron causes people to hate America? You're right, we shouldn't yell at anyone acting like an idiot in our county, let alone one that drives over here for a living and SHOULD know the laws. It's OK to yell at Americans for doing it, but not these poor, poor foreigners. Further, said douchebag attacked Rick's nationality ('stupid American') - IN AMERICA! Does anyone else see the irony in your first statement?


WTF were you thinking Rick? Picking on these defenseless foreigners. How dare you demand they conform to our laws and not put other citizen's lives at risk.


2) Rick indicated that he insulted said douchebag based on his NATIONALITY. Nationality means the country from which you originate. Rick's nationality is American, his RACE is white, or black, or jewish or indian or whatever. Racism involves RACE not nationality. If he had said 'I had some choice words for his ARAB butt' THEN it would be racist. As it was worded he commented on his nationality which could mean he found some insult for whatever country he was from that had nothing to do with race.


Congratulations on your Mother's family arriving here in 1812. I can trace my family back to Jamestown. BFD. That and 1.20 will buy me a coffee at the corner UDF.

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10xworse, I saw your other thread was not taken seriously and I understand you bringing it back here. But as with your post above you are off topic STILL. No one is talking about jobs taken by immigrants or asking you to justify your families participation in society. This forum will punch you in the eye; yes. However, going into an explanation of what is not topic to defend yourself makes it difficult for people to see your side. The "Flow" if you will; is then put toward a personal agenda. This opens you up for more personal attacks simply because people wanted to stay on topic and you have frustrated them.

I feel some of your views are valid. But you hit people over the head with them, rather then help them see where you are coming from.


The cab driver that I had this incounter with was a white guy, late fourties.


The police report # is 050929291

read his reasoning.

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Joe, that's awesome.


Oh, Alex, I don’t give two flying fucks why "everyone" hates America. If anything that should be a blessing; maybe then they will stop begging for American aide to feed the people their country cannot help, and American troops to protect them from enemies they cannot deal with on their own. Especially when we, as Americans, have our own poverty stricken people and our own battles to deal with.


It's time to go back 50 years and focus on isolationism.


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Why? Then they'll just be pissed off because we DON'T participate, and call us greedy and self-centered. Damned if you do. Damned if you don't.


We can't win, so why worry about it?


Good, fuck them. Honestly. We are not the world's big brother, always there to defend you when you are getting your ass beat. It's not our responsibility to take the worlds problems on our shoulders.


The point is we can win.

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Right and wrong is nothing more then perception. We have a lot of diversity on this board; on some things we have to agree to disagree. Without getting too metaphysical; their will always be some sort of balance. We are actually closer to siding with one another simply because of the discussion. By one another, I mean those in the conversation. Now we know where the other one is coming from and we may not agree with your view. However, we can not deny that they have a point.
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American indians deserve EVERYTHING they get and more.


If you are talking about someone that is at least 50% I couldnt agree with you more.


Some jerk ass that is like 8% and still qualifies for free tuition can kiss my ass.


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America just trys to do its best to control the varibles.


And down with affimitave action. If your dumb, well your dumb, sorry get the fuck out, if your smart then your smart, come on in. But none of this well if your asian, but not too smart lets enroll you to fill a *quota*. fuck that.

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America just trys to do its best to control the varibles.


And down with affimitave action. If your dumb, well your dumb, sorry get the fuck out, if your smart then your smart, come on in. But none of this well if your asian, but not too smart lets enroll you to fill a *quota*. fuck that.


Affirmitive Action is racist. What do you think about that?


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