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Folks with RoadRunner


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:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 542 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Download Speed is:: 66 kB/s

Tested From:: http://testmy.net/ (server2)

Test Time:: Mon Oct 31 11:11:12 EST 2005

Bottom Line:: 10X faster than 56K 1MB download in 15.52 sec

Diagnosis: 90% + Okay : running at 100 % of your hosts average (wifiaruba.aw)

Validation Link:: http://testmy.net/stats/id-UZR5M0JK3


:::.. Upload Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 254 Kbps about 0.3 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 31 kB/s

Tested From:: http://testmy.net/ (server2)

Test Time:: Mon Oct 31 11:13:17 EST 2005

Bottom Line:: 5X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 33.03 sec

Diagnosis: 90% + Okay : running at 100 % of your hosts average (wifiaruba.aw)

Validation Link:: http://testmy.net/stats/id-T9RO31WGP


Not to bad for wireless on the beach :cool:

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Guest fixerupper

My second comp., from behind my wireless network.... :nono:


Your connection is: 716 Kbps (about 0.7 Mbps)

You downloaded at: 87 kB/s

Your TRuSPEED: ^info^ 766 Kbps :: 93 kB/s (7% overhead factored)

Bottom Line: You are running: 13 times faster than 56K and can download 1 megabyte in 11.77 second(s)

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