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Cleveland Browns Fans


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Here's a few more things about those STEELERS:

* Check their history under Bill Cowher, he's coached them since the early 90's, they've dominated that division & won waaay more than their fair share of div championships

* Only Super Bowl loss was in '96 when Neil the schmeil O'donnell THREW the game with 2 interceptions to Dallas. Immediately after that game, Neil left the team & Pgh! I don't know how much Neil got paid for that under the table $$$ but he ain't playin today & I'll always despise that guy. I actually talked to him (briefly) at Disneyworld in '98 & told him to his face what a tool he was!!!!Then Boomer grabbed him before he killed me & pulled him away - (True Story)

* Steelers schedule this year was very tough in the beginning, they've faced New England (lost by field goal), Chargers, Cincinnati, Jacksonville (lost by field goal). For the remainder of this season they only square off with 2 teams with winning records! Cincinnati (in Pgh) & the infamous Monday niter 11/28 against the Colts. I'm bettin the black n' gold will start a positive momentum swing. They're a team to watch -

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Anybody think Culpepper is faking his injury, the hit looked weak and he didn't look to be in that much pain. I think it is a fake injury and they are sitting him so he doesn't get hurt this year, since their season is over.....



Are you joking?? One's leg isn't supposed to bend sideways.

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Yeah what hit did you watch, I cringed at that one. Big Bens hit didnt look bad though, although I would save him for when they play Indy anyway they are going to need it. As far as I am concerned NE is done, they are just not the same team that beat the colts last year. Their Secondary isnt even the same except maybe on player, and their run defense is mediocre at that. How can you struggle against a team like the Bills and expect to play in the same league as Indy. Face it Indy has a defense this year and the exact same offense as last year, and who knows they could have been showing restraint this whole time because of the lack of competition so far, don't want to give too much away you know. And they have been down this year, look at the STL game down by 17 at the end of the first and they ended up blowing them away. Just because they have not played a "good" team this year does not mean that they arent a tough team. I think we will see what they are capable of this coming monday and alot of the nay-sayers will be changing their tune. Colts > *
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Pro football sucks. Watch players who give a shit.


What players give a shit? Dont tell me you think College ball is better, there might be a few players that dont go all out on every play(randy moss) but pro-ball just has mush better players and better matchups.

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