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Black Friday 2005


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I think it obvious that I am not going to tell you what the cost is. If someone has an open mind and is willing to be receptive to the service that we provide, I am more than happy to share the info. Akula can attest to that. You, however, have decided to take it upon yourself do attempt to deface my organization and my integrity. I take offence to that.


The statement was not that you do not know about business, it was that you know nothing about the business that I represent. Even the facts that you have given about it are incorrect. The fact that there is an inherent method of self sustentation without the requirement of new members built into the model, the fact that a membership is not able to be inherited, Your quip about a membership costing more than a car made me laugh...etc.


You run some small dollar company and are now perceive yourself to be an expert on the potential success of a business. It is sad. Instead of criticizing a company that has been in existence for 34 years longer than your own, perhaps you should be asking me what you can learn from it to make your own business more successful.


Keyboard warriors who sit behind their monitors on their self constructed pedestals of authority have always made me sad. No amount of positive feedback, statistics, or even tangible experience could change your absolute belief that myself, my company, and our members are wrong. I think you would find life to be a bit more satisfying if you just opened your mind a bit.



MODS: Can we split the junk to the kitchen?

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The statement was not that you do not know about business, it was that you know nothing about the business that I represent. Even the facts that you have given about it are incorrect. The fact that there is an inherent method of self sustentation without the requirement of new members built into the model, the fact that a membership is not able to be inherited, Your quip about a membership costing more than a car made me laugh...etc.


You run some small dollar company and are now perceive yourself to be an expert on the potential success of a business. It is sad. Instead of criticizing a company that has been in existence for 34 years longer than your own, perhaps you should be asking me what you can learn from it to make your own business more successful.


Keyboard warriors who sit behind their monitors on their self constructed pedestals of authority have always made me sad. No amount of positive feedback, statistics, or even tangible experience could change your absolute belief that myself, my company, and our members are wrong. I think you would find life to be a bit more satisfying if you just opened your mind a bit.


I may be wrong, but I was under the impression this worked the same way as Amerilink and the rest of the membership clubs. I just had a bad experience with one where I spent $12,000 on a membership and it closed its doors 4 years later. What recourse did I have? I got screwed. I wouldn't wish the same upon anyone. Maybe the business you work for is better than that. If the members pad your pocket as they go down the membership road that's great. My experience with these deals was a one time upfront membership that you could even will to someone when you died. If you have yearly/monthly dues and treat people right, then I'm sure the business you work for will do fine.


So what small dollar company do I run since you know so much about it?

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rob, go back through my posts and tell me where i ever bashed verizon? ive bashed you a bit, but thats because youre a hater. ive always known theyve had the best network. no secret there. ive always known that they were more expensive than TMO. no secret there, either. anything negative ive ever had to say about verizon centered around their customer service, which if anything has been reinforced by working in conjunction with them. good thing about me being an agent is that now, i can shield folks from the poor customer service and deal with verizon on their behalf. one of the reasons i dont work for corporate is that im not a cashier. guys like you do that job.


ask ben, jesse, or anyone else ive worked with how objective i am when it comes to cellular sales. everyone here who knows me knows that my integrity as a salesman is unquestionable. pisses me off when folks with poor memory, such as yourself, start telling others that im a hater, just like you.


not that its any of your business, but i left

TMO because i have the opportunity where i am now to take care of my customers without dealing with all of the corporate bs.

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DJ is a great guy. I'd trust his judgement anyday. Infact, I just did. I currently have Verizon. My contract is up, and I've been debating switching. Nobody I know knows more about cell phones then DJ. His honest opinion was exactly what I thought. He wasn't trying to fluff Verizon at all. He told me the pros and cons to each company in a very objective way. I don't see DJ as a "salesman". I see DJ more as a consultant. I had a problem, he helped me with it. End of story.
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I would like to second Ben's thoughts. Jarred is one hell of a salesmen. He values his integrity more than most, and he will go above and beyond for his clients. I have personally witnessed him in action at t-mobile, and I would recomend his services to anyone. Although I have not personally interacted with him as a customer (loyal Sprint customer), I would have to tell anyone that questions his ethics to stop, and become better informed before looking like an ass.


Just my .02,


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thanks for the kind words, guys.



rob, does it benefit me to sell to my freinds? yes. will i sell a product to my freinds that i wont use? no. ask about my stance on motorola products. <crap> i do what i can do ensure that every customer of mine is happy with the service i provide.


you and i have had at this before, and somehow youve gotten the idea that i practice questionable ethics in my business. i hope this has given you some pause. in the future, if you have an issue with the way i conduct business, id appreciate it if you took it up with me personally, instead of saying negative things about me on a public forum.


there are numerous people here that ive clashed with in the past, including business owners, but i have never attempted to compromise anyones ability to do business and feed their family.

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