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Longest you've been hurt

Chad is Dead

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Whats the longest you've been hurt?

Mine was when I wrecked my dirtike

-I couldnt ride for 2 months

-broken collarbone

-2 sprained wrists

-couple bruised and severly traumatized ribs

-possible bleeding in the brain which turned out to be ok.


And on my bmx bike:

-2 broken wrists

-1 broken bone in my finger

-bruised ribs

-sprained ankle.

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Compund fracture to my right upper arm, put the bone through the skin, dislocation the shoulder partially at the same time. So there were torn ligaments, my rotator cuff was torn up bad, which really didnt hurt that bad comparied to the arm bone i got to visually see. I was laid up for 6 months, and the 1 year of thearpy.


Result, was a pin put in my shoulder, a rod to hold it in place as well, and one should hangs slightly lower then the other now.

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I have never broken any bones, I have only sprained an ankle or two. I have had stiches many times though, I had 140 on one wound. I guess I have stong bones, I drink a gallon of milk every 1-2 days since I was knee high to a grasshopper. :knockonwoodsmilie:
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I just had my appendix taken out Sept. 16th and was out of work for an entire month.

My doctor couldn't believe that I went a little more than 24 hours with a ruptured appendix. He also said that if I would have waited any longer that I probably wouldn't be here right now. That was the longest most painful thing I've ever been thru in my life and I hope no one ever has to go thru it too.


Anthony, I think your the winner so far.

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Broke my foot in martial arts back in 96, tore tendons, etc.. Was in a cast for 3 months, leg looked like a skeleton and it still hurts when it gets real cold out.

or in grappling :p



I ruptured 2 disks in my lower back back in the winter.... I was pretty much in bed for 3-4 months, and I couldn't do anything physical until recently and it's still giving me problems when doing certian things in Tae kwon do and what not.

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Tore up my shoulder in aug 04, hurts in the morning and during weather changes.

Artritis in the right knee, still hurts, sounds like rice krispies when I take the steps.

One crushed disk in my back (L5) sep 04, still hurts. Cant stand for to long. Wont be operated on till it actually pinches a nerve.

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Guest mudbutt

broke my arm pretty bad in 6th grade . It was bent into a v. It took 2 months to heal. That is a fairly long time for someone that young.


does a consecutive injury count?

I got into an accident, hurt my back pretty good. about 5 months later I was going to have my last treatment. I get rear ended ONE DAY before the appointment. I believe that treatment lasted for 3-4 months.

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