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See it. Reminded me of Full Metal Jacket, but it had its own identity. DO NOT expect a war movie. It's based on a book written by Woffard (main character) It basically takes you through boot camp and Desert Storm.


I dont want to give too much away, so if you have the chance, check it out.




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I think the previews give a different impression of what it is though, but what is new.


It started out good IMO, had some funny parts, and kept building suspense. But I was let down in the end, and after a long day of work, had to keep myself awake through the thing.


I'd say see it if your into it, but don't expect any action.

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Just got out of abou an hour ago. I liked the movie, the acting and the filming were great. The story I thought was awesome as well, I think I liked this movie mainly becuase, if your a fucking retard you got either bored, or lost, and if you were'nt a retard then you learned a lot, and or found it somewhat stimulating.
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I would suggest reading the book before seeing the movie. The movie leaves out a lot of key elements that are explained in the book. All in all, i thought it was a good movie, and a good book as well. As far as what most Marines thought... about 1 out of every 2 that were at the theater with me, liked it. So its about 50/50. I will admit that it was pretty cool when the very first showing of it here in Monterey was sold out, and the place was full of fellow Devil Dogs...
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I would suggest reading the book before seeing the movie. The movie leaves out a lot of key elements that are explained in the book. All in all, i thought it was a good movie, and a good book as well. As far as what most Marines thought... about 1 out of every 2 that were at the theater with me, liked it. So its about 50/50. I will admit that it was pretty cool when the very first showing of it here in Monterey was sold out, and the place was full of fellow Devil Dogs...


this isn't a book review, this is a movie review.



anyone who starts off a movie review with anything along the lines of "read the book" or "the book was soooooo much more insightful" should be impaled on ron jeremy's cock

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Guest temptina
i saw the movie with a friend of mine and we both loved it. now i am going to take one of the rents to see it. but no it is not a war movie so dont expect fighting, if you do you will ruin the movie for yourself. go in with an open mind, and you will like it. oh when is the next get together? ;)
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Great movie. Fucked me up in the head a little since I'll be there in a couple months though. The acting from bubbleboy and foxx really surprised me. 5/5 stars imo.

If you wanna know REALITY Brian, gimme a hollar sometime. I'll be in town for 3 or so days come thanksgiving. I gotta go Iraq shopping so you can join in. And it was a very good movie.

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I've pretty much been told all the reality I can experience w/out actually being there. A buddy of mine in California was in one of the very first Marine units deployed out there and he told me some nasty shit. But I'm going out there a few years later and they have fast food all over the place :rolleyes: ..gonna be a little different.

OIF 1 was a trip no doubt, but what we worried about then has changed or increased 10 fold. One way or another I'm ready and have been for some time. Waiting to come back, get out and spent my flipin $$$$$$$

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OIF 1 was a trip no doubt, but what we worried about then has changed or increased 10 fold. One way or another I'm ready and have been for some time. Waiting to come back, get out and spent my flipin $$$$$$$


I've got a friend here at BU who's a freshman (though he's 23) he's from hawaii and he was among the Marines to first cross the border from kuwait. He's got some fun pictures of himself in Saddam's palace in Tikrit

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