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WTB: 98+ Integra bumper/headlights conversion


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thats like dealer price. just look around all over ohio. ohiohondas.com, http://www.streetracingdayton.com/forum, and http://www.cincinnatistreetracing.com/home.php

bumper usually go for 50 bux a piece. headlights are around there but lil more. You just have to wait and you'll get somebody who wrecked their car or so on...

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  ghost face said:
thats like dealer price. just look around all over ohio. ohiohondas.com, http://www.streetracingdayton.com/forum, and http://www.cincinnatistreetracing.com/home.php

bumper usually go for 50 bux a piece. headlights are around there but lil more. You just have to wait and you'll get somebody who wrecked their car or so on...



I like this guys suggestions

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Guest NinetyFox

i just ran back across this


those arent dealer prices... i sell to dealers and body shops...


if you want a used bumper thats cool, mine are new


on top of that i did an all over on a milano red integra just a few months ago and have plenty of paint to spare

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  NinetyFox said:
i just ran back across this


those arent dealer prices... i sell to dealers and body shops...


if you want a used bumper thats cool, mine are new


on top of that i did an all over on a milano red integra just a few months ago and have plenty of paint to spare


so how much do you want for a painted front bumper?

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