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Need help connecting computer to home receiver?


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i dont know if this is in the right section or not so i am sorry.


Me and my roommate have about 11,000 songs on our computers and we are looking to connect them to the receiver in our living room. Maybe looking to connect wirelessly if poss.

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well to do it wireless you need some kind of wireless receiver to plu in the head unit.

the easiest way to do it is to get a head jack to rca convertor from radio shack for like 2 buck and then plu the RCAs into the head unit the only down side is you will have to unplug it if you want to use your PC speakers.

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Using both parts will allow you to retain the use of your pc speakers so you can play a game while listening to the radio on your reciver. Just plug the splitter into the back of your pc, then plug the pc speakers into one jack, and the 3.5 to rca cable in the other.


Alternately, if your reciver and computer are both new enough, you could run a optic cable from your pc to the reciver if you use it to play dvds and want to retain the surround encoding for multiple chanels.

Radioshack should have these parts as well.

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