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Good ol' fight


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This is the start of a flame war. Rules are simple. Insult the guy above you or come back and reap havoc on someone who got you later. Bring your best, man with the best and most numerous shut downs wins. This is all in good fun, but vendettas are always welcome.


EDIT: If someone makes a poor instult/comeback, rip em.

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Of course I drive, you illiterate jackass. The Vee-tax might be the most invincible car ever, even with two burnt-out headlights and a severe necessity for an oil change. Oh well, off to class, hopefully by the time I check this again, someone will have posted something worth responding to. Given the communal intelligence of this board, I severely doubt it.
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What can anyone say about you that hasn't already been said? You go to school and when your not in class your on here e-thuging it up, but your not even in columbus nor do you drive(COLUMBUS RACING????).



p.s Yes im that bored at work that i must contribute to this. Flame on


I didnt even know your ass had a job. I thought you just sat around on the corner with a cup collecting change to mod your moostang... :confused:


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Mark shut the hell up, your reputation alone is gayer then a six sided goat.

And get it the fuck over with already...




What the hell are you trying to say? Oh my god, you called me gay!!! :rolleyes: Way to be original you inbred, rectal bleeding, herpes infected ass clown.



(do I know you...?)

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Marc- wasn't that your car that was spiting and sputtering comming into hooters enough said. You can only polish a turn so much before it gets soggy and falls apart and i got a job on the side not just the cornor. SO HA


John- do you and your spoiled frat buddies sit around and tell nanny stories who slept with who's first, or do you RACE. You know all gather around a cracker jerk off on it then who ever loses has to eat it. Since your pet name for your vag is veetax how many times have you lost.

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Marc- wasn't that your car that was spiting and sputtering comming into hooters enough said. You can only polish a turn so much before it gets soggy and falls apart and i got a job on the side not just the cornor.


My car was not spiting and sputtering, it actually sounds great :p When's the last time you had your car out? I dont recal seeing it...ever.


So you're saying your a gigelow? Now I know you're full of shit. I know what you look like...If I had to choose between you and a blender, I think id pick the blender...


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Never said i was a gigalow you made the corner referance with the cup i just didnt include the cup. My car shit unless you wanna push it or trailer it or pay the machine bill youll have to come here to see it.


I dont really remember hearing it that jus tthe best i could come up with without making a lame ass gay joke:p, but you seem to do that all by yourself trying to choose between me and a blender. Thats some new fetish

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Never said i was a gigalow you made the corner referance with the cup i just didnt include the cup. My car shit unless you wanna push it or trailer it or pay the machine bill youll have to come here to see it.


I dont really remember hearing it that jus tthe best i could come up with without making a lame ass gay joke:p, but you seem to do that all by yourself trying to choose between me and a blender. Thats some new fetish


I cant help it; your just a big sexy teddy bear...


Andrew, alcohol > beer > girly drinks. Also, me > you in halo.


Can you keep up or do I need John to break it down for you?


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I've played the game its cool but your bickering about whos better on the internet WOW you guys own yourself

Shut the hell up and let the men talk about the greatest game evar.



Im talking X-box Halo...not that gay PC shit...


Shit son. 151 + Grizzly + Budlight + my xbox = well you know

fuck the pc halo

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Why would I concern myself with an overly complicated insult when pointing out that you fell short between the oral and anal stage is so much easier?

in other words you like sucking things and stuff that touches your butt. nuff said

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I don't even know you, your screen name is retarded, you don't even know where you are?!?! Your sig is as entertaining as burning yourself with a lighter, and you come on here insulting Marcs car? :confused: What can I really go off of?
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