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Dance Monkeys!!!

Guest MissTypeS

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Guest MissTypeS

So I'm having a terrible day here at the office and I need some sort of work-safe entertainment. The person who makes me not want to kill myself the most wins a prize!





Disclaimer 1: I really don't want to kill myself.

Disclaimer 2: Prize for winner to be determined by list of 482 variables on a scale of 1-10. Prize subject to my discretion.

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She's not looking for attention..... :rolleyes:


lol... thats so retarded. I'm not seeking attention, I just have an exceptionally sarcastic sense of humor. Sam's allowed to have entire posts dedicated to his greatness yet I'm not allowed to make one stupid joke? LAME.


Please, you have said you are here for car talk, go start a thread where your post can be car related....

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Guest MissTypeS

SpaceGhost, you will never not be on my case, will you? Since I apparently don't understand the rules of this board, will you please explain them to me? So far I have:


(1) Other people can post bullshit threads about nothing, but I can't.

(2) I am not allowed to post anything mentioning my gender.

(3) If I do choose to participate, I am only permitted to discuss car-related topics.

(4) Anything I say will be interpreted as an attempt to draw attention to myself.


I'm sure there's more, so I'd appreciate it if you could please tell me so I can be a functioning member of this internet message board. Everyone else is welcome to add rules as well!


Thank you!

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SpaceGhost, you will never not be on my case, will you? Since I apparently don't understand the rules of this board, will you please explain them to me? So far I have:


(1) Other people can post bullshit threads about nothing, but I can't.

(2) I am not allowed to post anything mentioning my gender.

(3) If I do choose to participate, I am only permitted to discuss car-related topics.

(4) Anything I say will be interpreted as an attempt to draw attention to myself.


I'm sure there's more, so I'd appreciate it if you could please tell me so I can be a functioning member of this internet message board. Everyone else is welcome to add rules as well!


Thank you!


(5) Do Marc's laundry and cook him dinner.




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SpaceGhost, you will never not be on my case, will you? Since I apparently don't understand the rules of this board, will you please explain them to me? So far I have:


(1) Other people can post bullshit threads about nothing, but I can't.

(2) I am not allowed to post anything mentioning my gender.

(3) If I do choose to participate, I am only permitted to discuss car-related topics.

(4) Anything I say will be interpreted as an attempt to draw attention to myself.


I'm sure there's more, so I'd appreciate it if you could please tell me so I can be a functioning member of this internet message board. Everyone else is welcome to add rules as well!


Thank you!


5. your required to cook and clean. :)

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Anyone wanna tell me why my creepy room mate walks in on my girl and I fucking and he doesn't leave the room or say anything, just walks around looking for something then sits down at his computer?


He understands that your "girl" (blow-up sheep) doesn't get embarassed when he walks in on the "two of ewe".

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Guest evilundisguised
So I'm having a terrible day here at the office and I need some sort of work-safe entertainment. The person who makes me not want to kill myself the most wins a prize!





Disclaimer 1: I really don't want to kill myself.

Disclaimer 2: Prize for winner to be determined by list of 482 variables on a scale of 1-10. Prize subject to my discretion.



how about this


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