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Fatal Accident off Roberts Rd


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I live a half mile from International off of Roberts road! Wasn't me or the roomate, thank god... I drive through there every day to get to work, and actually rode my bike to work that day...

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Looks like he was screwing around. Hate to say it, but when you mess around and there are 4 wheeled or more machines around, you tend to get the raw end of the stick. Bummer of a deal, but riders need to be more aware and less stupid on these bikes...


Makes me think of the asshatjunkies.:nono: They're invincible too.

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Makes me think of the asshatjunkies.:nono: They're invincible too.

"Looks like he was screwing around. Hate to say it, but when you mess around and there are 4 wheeled or more machines around, you tend to get the raw end of the stick. Bummer of a deal, but riders need to be more aware and less stupid on these bikes..."

I think you're being a bit harsh on the fellow. Its not like he was doing a standup wheelie during rush hour traffic. None of us were there so we don't exactly know the circumstances for what he did or didn't do. Nor do we know the fault of any of the other cars that may have played a role. The guys is dead, cut him some slack.

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I was the first responder on that scene, beat the medic there. Stood three feet from him and looked straight into his open dead eyes. The impact nearly cut him in half, one of his legs was forty feet away from him in the grass severed at the hip. The medics put down kitty litter to keep his blood from running into the storm drain.

Some of you might not like reading what i just posted and may even think I'm wrong for doing so. If the thought of what i just described sinks in to someone here and gets them to slow down on city streets then it just might save a life.

The fact of the matter is that it's the worst wreck I've seen in eight years on the department. The rider and his boss had just left work, his boss was in front heading south in a pickup. The rider decided pin the throttle and buzz the pickup in the center turn lane, he was traveling at a very high rate of speed when his ball cap started to blow off(his helmet was strapped to his seat). When he reached up with his left hand to catch his ball cap the bike went into a high speed wobble. It went left of center, hit the left curb, blew a fork(a spring and oil were left by the curb) he somehow kept the bike upright as it veered back into the north bound lane where he hit the semi truck head-on at the left front wheel. The impact broke the semi's wheel and shoved it back at a 90 degree angle, that's why the semi ended up where he was, not because he was turning. Blood was sprayed down the side of the semi and parts of the Gixxer were everywhere, it literally looked like a bomb went off.

His boss stated that he had just got the bike two months ago and was always riding "crazy", his boss said that everyone at work told him he needed to get rid of the bike before he killed himself. The bike was registered to his girlfriend with whom he had just had a baby.

Everyone please, slow down and be careful, it's not worth it. We have enough problems with car drivers trying to kill us without adding to the problem.

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Irresponsible riding or not, it is still sad that a fellow rider has fallen. I am sure almost all of us have opened the throttle more than we should have before so there is no need to call someone who just lost their life any names. International Rd. and the one beside it Charter Rd. have been known to be late night drag strips for cages, it is an industrial park. Sonavabeech thanks for the concern also, this has been the second motorcycle fatality within .5 miles of my house this season.

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We are all human, not one of us perfect. All we can do is keep our eyes and ears open and listen to and consider the advice of others.

It's a beautiful day today, everyone ride carefully and safely, today and every other day.

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Thank you for the explanation FasDuc. I am relieved to hear that the semi (nor any other driver) was to blame.

unfortunate (to say the least) that the consequences were so dire for a mistake...

my condolences to his family


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Some of you are strange. Nobody called anyone a name in this thread. I did reference how some other group rides by quoting Lizard. It has nothing to do with this guy in this wreck. Understanding a conversation is virtue and bliss. Try to understand what is being talked about better before posting.

FastDuc - That is a horrible story but some guys out there for some reason just never get the picture.


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holy shit that is a bad way to go...sounds like even a helmet wouldn't have saved him.

this is one of those tricky situations where "no" technically if he had magically had a helmet on at the point of impact it wouldn't have saved him, but "yes" because he wouldn't have had a baseball cap flying off to cause the high speed wobble...

so it would have helped, but indirectly...

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this is one of those tricky situations where "no" technically if he had magically had a helmet on at the point of impact it wouldn't have saved him, but "yes" because he wouldn't have had a baseball cap flying off to cause the high speed wobble...

so it would have helped, but indirectly...

Magley64 and Ninja Nick thanks for having some intelligence and speaking truth. A helmet would have saved him in this instance, but it sounds like this dude was riding crazy regularly.

FasDUc thanks for the post and your service as an officer.

I have a friend who I am SO SUPER WORRIED ABOUT! He just got a Katana 600 and he dropped it 3 or 4 times in the first two months. He failed his riding test three times and drove over some cones at the Hamilton Pub bike night. I said to him "All these bikes out here tonight and you are the only person the went over (FYI he backed over the cone 4 times until eventually the cone was stuck between his bike and the parking lot and he had to kick the cone from under his bike with his foot) a cone. He and I haven't talked in weeks because I told him to sell his bike. He just won't listen to me. What do we do about people like this??????

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