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World's fastest IRS 6 speed car


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Guest Ponyfreak
There will be at least 3 Viper that are capable of running 7's with an auto at the V10 nationals in FL second weekend in december. This car will obviously be one of them there.
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Runnin 8's in anything is an accomplishment.I don't care if its a 4,6,8,10,12 or rotary.Nice ride, looks like an awesome launch.It's easy to make the power(if you got the cash) but to get the chassis tuned to hook and go straight can be a whole lot of work.
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just because i said a v10 running 8's isnt THAT impressive? Give me a fucking break. you drive a volva but i guess i cant expect much.


yea i do drive a Volvo... it happens to be the most powerful one this side of the Ohio River... and once the current mods are all installed, the most powerful in the country. It may not be a lot of power in total, but its something i'll be mighty proud of. Whats the matter??? Does my trying something completely and totaly different scare you somehow??? Clean the sand out of your swamp croch vagina, grow a middle leg, and stfu.


8's are 8's. When you run that, then talk your blasphamy.

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hey douchebag, you're the one started talking shit. not me. you're right, 8's are 8's.. but everyone is getting a bonar out of a car that should have no problem running 8's..


p.s learn how to spell blasphemy before you use it in a sentence. bitch.

oh yeah, suck a dick.

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hey douchebag, you're the one started talking shit. not me. you're right, 8's are 8's.. but everyone is getting a bonar out of a car that should have no problem running 8's..


p.s learn how to spell blasphemy before you use it in a sentence. bitch.

oh yeah, suck a dick.


Who said anything about a boner??? I didnt see anyone type "omfg i haf 2 havE da7, i7z dUh r0xX3rZ!!!!111!!!oneone!"


And theres no such thing as "no problem running 8's". Theres more to running fast than just power. Getting a IRS RWD to hook up and run damn near dead strait is an accomplishment. When you have all 4 wheels launching you, and two pulling you strait ahead... the game is more about not breaking shit, than launching strait.


BTW, i know how to spell BLASPHEMY, but i would be needing to speak of religion to use it properly... since im not, i dont spell it the same. Its poetic license. Take english in highschool???


Survey SAYS!!??!?!?!?



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Guest Ponyfreak

Ummm I think the whole point of this video was that it is the WORLDS fastest 6 speed and IRS car, and with only one power adder.


There are other cars that have ran faster, including Vipers, but not with a synchonized clutched transmission and IRS.

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Ummm I think the whole point of this video was that it is the WORLDS fastest 6 speed and IRS car, and with only one power adder.


There are other cars that have ran faster, including Vipers, but not with a synchonized clutched transmission and IRS.


but dude im on a roll :lol:

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Survey SAYS!!??!?!?!?





survey says you're a fucking douchebag and should be kicked in the balls. did i take english in high school? it's nice to see your college education(if you have any) paying off working at pizza hut.

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survey says you're a fucking douchebag and should be kicked in the balls. did i take english in high school? it's nice to see your college education(if you have any) paying off working at pizza hut.


I did go to college for Electronics Engineering, but lost interest and quit. Whats wrong with working in the restaurant business??? Especially the largest one in the world??? Just so happens that im ranked #1 in operations in the entire Columbus Region. Im good at what i do, the best, and make a couple bucks doing it... whats wrong with that???


I would really like for you to come run my restaurant on Friday night and then talk your inferiority shit ;)

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