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Who has the TV hook up, 65" range


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we have a panasonic HD built in 61" lcd projection unit here at the circuit for 2297, that right now is the value IMO. I saw you mentioned the 16:9, that is the wide screen aspect ratio and that is the olny aspect ration for new HD televisons.


LCD is good, but DLP is better IMO, higher contrast, better blacks, 1080P...But compairing the two visually they are very similar. If you have anymore questions let me know, I should be able to answer them.

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LCD v Rear Projection

LCD flat panel? vs LCD rear projection?

If so they dont have consumer LCD flat panels in the 65 inch range.


CRT rear projection suck, if thats what you are referring to. They have a horrible veiwing anlge, the unit is huge and ugly. There analog veiwing is not even half as good as LCD rear projection. They are old, they dont last as long, they need converged all the time. They SUCK

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I work at circuit city on polaris pkwy. I work there manily in mid day and evenings. I work today 6-10, sunday 12-7 and during the week mainly evenings. All most all the people there at my store have been there for a year, so tehy all are pretty knowledgable, stay away from the short black lady if im not there.
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