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OMG December 2nd. I can't wait


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According to skimadriver.com, Mad River Mountain will be opening December 2nd and have already covered the mountain with 3-4 inches of snow.


I can't wait, it's going to be sick this year. I heard the park is going to be three times better than last year.

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Anyone looking to head up there for some boarding can shoot me a PM.


Call me when you even remotely feel like going up. If they open up the second I will have that weekend (2nd, 3rd and the 4th), then I got to Minnesota for two weeks. Then I’ll have from the 17th-24th before I go to Colorado, and I want to learn at least a few new ‘tricks’ before I head out. Factor that in with all of the regular Holiday stuff and I don’t have a lot of time to go skiing before I head out there. I’ll be going up random weekdays after work for a few hours and probably at least once a weekend the whole season that I’m home. Anytime you want to go, I’m game.


I really need to move to somewhere with a higher elevation that's colder.

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Mad River is hardly sick... Leave Ohio and the skiing is much better.


Go take your ski skates somewhere else then. Even if you are as good as you say you are, I can guarantee you can still gain technical ability at somewhere even as small as MRM. It's one of the only close place and passes are cheap. Get off of your fucking high horse.

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Go take your ski skates somewhere else then. Even if you are as good as you say you are, I can guarantee you can still gain technical ability at somewhere even as small as MRM. It's one of the only close place and passes are cheap. Get off of your fucking high horse.


I do somewhere else... i go EVERYWHERE else. I cant gain any more ability, i hit my prime. I get bigger and bigger every year so my agility is probably going to get worse and worse. From now on im just going to hurt myself and give the ski patrol something to do.

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I do somewhere else... i go EVERYWHERE else. I cant gain any more ability, i hit my prime. I get bigger and bigger every year so my agility is probably going to get worse and worse. From now on im just going to hurt myself and give the ski patrol something to do.

You are a fool.

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Mad River is hardly sick... Leave Ohio and the skiing is much better.


Besides the fact I know the guy that sets up the park. Besides the fact that they actually have a new machine to make the jumpes, instead of forming them by hand. Just shut the fuck up you're annoying, I'm pretty sure I'm not just speaking for myself. Half of the people on this site think you're annoying.

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