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Need help with remote PC software


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I've downloaded and installed PC Anywhere 11 on my laptop and desktop, so I can access my desktop from the road via the laptop.


However, I can't figure it out and never used it before. On top of that, I'd use Microsoft's Remote Desktop built in to XP, but my firewalls and other anti-bullshit programs won't allow it via the internet.


So, how do I get PCA to work, or is there an easier program to use out there? This will be used for accessing my desktop via the internet from my laptop, through assorted firewalls and anti-spyware/anti-virus programs.



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Yup terminal services with remote desktop.

Me and my old roomate did this all the time. I believe we had a web address of skyserv.homeip.net or something like that. We could hit that and get to our desktops from anywhere. Was great for browsing the web at work and not having to worry about being monitored :D

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Problem is, my PCs are on a router. All seven of them.


How do I differentiate between them behind the router while directing to my WOW IP?


I'll be back in Columbus Sunday, but theres an easy and free way to do this.


Like dragknee suggested, it's alot easier if you can assign a dynamic name to your IP, and use a third party updater to keep it current.



Once you get that taken care of all you really need to do is setup the router. Since most SOHO routers use NAT, you have one public IP and usually a class C 192.x.x.x local network. Trick is to use port forwarding and a static IP of the desktop you want to access.


So set your dekstop up with a static IP, set the DNS to point to the gateway, usually, or


You may have to dig around a bit, but most routers have port forwarding by rage or some sort of UPnP page. You want to forward port 3389 and 3390 ( for sound) to your desktop's static IP. I beleive it's TCP for 3389 and UDP for 3390, but it may be both.


When you're on the road, punch in your dynamic dns, say anthony.rules.com:3389 (may need to specify port, may not) into the remote desktop client and shaaazam, you are connected.


Note: It's a good idea to have strong passwords, and if you beleive in security through obscurity, change the Terminal Services listening port @ Regkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TerminalServer\WinStations\RDP-Tcp\PortNumber

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VNC is a good app for machines that are not on the same network but have an internet connection... if you are going through VPN or connecting to another machine in your office, the best remote control application HANDS DOWN is Dameware... it has a mini remote control app as well as a bunch of utilities so you can connect to any machine, change their registery, user accounts, or pretty much any type of remote administration that you would ever need to do.
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