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anybody else noticing this?????


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Anyone ever notice that they as individuals stand up for themselves while we as americans just sit here while we get fucked over daily and let our rights be taken from us by the government, illegal imigrants, and all of our wonderful PC people.

You come fuck with them and they make a bomb in their house and blow your ass up! Here we make a mean look and bitch about it.

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this has been going on FOREVER!!!!! Its a religion that breed fanaticals (sp) !!!!!! I mean come on, strapping a bomb to a child for what ever reason or religion is a straight trip to hell!!!!! :devil::devil:

oh yea...and why the fuck do i have to press 1 for english?????? this is fucking america, it should DEFAULT to english, and if you cant speek it then YOU can press a number to make whatever work!!!

CLOSE THE BOARDERS!!!! :thefinger::thefinger:

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