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I was first on the scene.....


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i am a noob and i hate to have to make this my first post, but i am here because of this thread. i have known these two kids since i was in elementary school. i dated the driver of the car kevin, and was good friends of the passenger jason. god rest their souls and they are greatly loved. people make mistakes. fuck anyone on here talking shit. two people with families and friends have died. they did not do it on purpose i can assure you... that is why they call it an accident. not one person on here can tell me that they havn't gone over the speed limit before, this is a forum called "columbus racing" give me a fucking break. we all are pretty much local here so the next asshat that wants to voice a rude opinion on here and not condolences can just leave their address with it, even though i am a girl and damn cute at that, i will come over and rip your fucking throat out with my bare hands.... get the point.


god bless my friends families they are loved and greatly missed

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Mary, many of us on here feel for you and are sorry for your loss. I don't think anyone is looking for any type of confrontation over this. Things happen. None of us were there, except David Putty. I was hoping to see a thank you at the end of your post to him. But, I'm sure in your frustration it was over looked. As I hope the Admins may be able to over look your threat. Had your friends been members on here and had we known them, things may have been said different. Yes, some of us on here race. And yes, sometimes on the street. But many of the people on here go to the track. An incident like this puts a strain on how we enjoy our cars, on and off the track. I hope you are a car enthusiast, as your screen name says "lovesitfast", and want to be around like people. My .02
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i know ... that is why i did not single out anyone. but general respect and common sense tells you you don't say certain things. i am grateful for david being there. it is hard to hear that my friend was fighting for his life and choking on his blood and probably knew he had killed his friend and was about to die. he had just built a brand new home and was driving a brand new company car. i know he was a really happy guy. drinking was a factor. unfortunately that makes the facility he left responsible for serving too much and letting him leave the bar. i just keep telling myself everything happens for a reason... but this crushes my heart. i can not imagine what his family is going through.
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Guest gramagy

I know what your going through putty...back in 03, i was on my way home from gahanna and was just entering 71 north from 670 west and right as i got on 71 going about 55, all of a sudden everyone in front of me came to a complete stop. Just ahead of me, a kid in a 92 gt 5.0 stang convertable was speeding and weaving in and out of lanes, went to switch lanes in front of an explorer and his rear end clipped the front end of the explorer, spun his car sideways and the explorer slammed into the drivers side. I was first on the scene and the kid in the 5.0 was all the way in the passenger seat and his head was implanted into the frame for the convertable top. He was unconscious and appearently still alive, but died on the way to the hospital. It was a hard scene to witness, i couldn't do anything to help the kid. When the EMT's opened the passenger door to remove him, alot of empty beer cans spilled out, I found an open 12 pack on the floorboard. The lady in the explorer had her seat belt on and was shaken up but ok otherwise. The whole experience definitely changed me, not that i was ever a raving idiot, something like that will make anyone think differently.


Sorry about your friends Mary...

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Terrible thing that happened.......something that could've been prevented!


Hopefully people take a good look at this terrible accident that wasted two young lives, and possibly others (you never know). Everyone should learn a lesson from this! The next time you or someone you know is out screwing around acting like a moron on the roads. It might be you....or someones mother, father, sister, brother, GF, BF, grandparent, son or daughter that you just took away for a goddamn joyride.


Sorry but this kind of stupidity just amazes me.


For God sakes when will people learn........Be careful Guys!

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i am a noob and i hate to have to make this my first post, but i am here because of this thread. i have known these two kids since i was in elementary school. i dated the driver of the car kevin, and was good friends of the passenger jason. god rest their souls and they are greatly loved. people make mistakes. fuck anyone on here talking shit. two people with families and friends have died. they did not do it on purpose i can assure you... that is why they call it an accident. not one person on here can tell me that they havn't gone over the speed limit before, this is a forum called "columbus racing" give me a fucking break. we all are pretty much local here so the next asshat that wants to voice a rude opinion on here and not condolences can just leave their address with it, even though i am a girl and damn cute at that, i will come over and rip your fucking throat out with my bare hands.... get the point.


god bless my friends families they are loved and greatly missed


You said you are here because of this thread....You care to tell us how you knew we were talking about it, if you've never heard of this site? Anyways, I don't need any "thank yous" for what I tried to do. I did nothing more than any other person would have, had they ended up where I was. I am sorry for your loss...All of us have good intentions and never intend to hurt anyone, but I think in certain instances, using "it was an accident" is a way to try and justify a persons frivolous disregard for laws, safety (for themselves and passengers), and those innocent people on their way home or elsewhere. I mean, what's to be expected if you're doing 80+ on a 35mph road, that isn't straight none the less. I don't think anyone on this site meant any harm or disrepect by comments made, even the asinine one by Blackhatch. Just realize there are posts made here almost daily of someone doing something that causes harm to either themselves or others. Often it warrants a comment such as.

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You said you are here because of this thread....You care to tell us how you knew we were talking about it, if you've never heard of this site? Anyways, I don't need any "thank yous" for what I tried to do. I did nothing more than any other person would have, had they ended up where I was. I am sorry for your loss...All of us have good intentions and never intend to hurt anyone, but I think in certain instances, using "it was an accident" is a way to try and justify a persons frivolous disregard for laws, safety (for themselves and passengers), and those innocent people on their way home or elsewhere. I mean, what's to be expected if you're doing 80+ on a 35mph road, that isn't straight none the less. I don't think anyone on this site meant any harm or disrepect by comments made, even the asinine one by Blackhatch. Just realize there are posts made here almost daily of someone doing something that causes harm to either themselves or others. Often it warrants a comment such as.


first of all not everyone would stop, secondly i will take my thanks back then since it is not appreciated, third if your still confused refer to original post.

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first of all not everyone would stop, secondly i will take my thanks back then since it is not appreciated, third if your still confused refer to original post.


Seeing as how my comment went completely over your head, I was saying your thanks went without saying. I also notice you continue to threaten...what's that about?

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two people with families and friends have died. they did not do it on purpose i can assure you... that is why they call it an accident.


Terrible thing that happened.......something that could've been prevented!


Hopefully people take a good look at this terrible accident that wasted two young lives, and possibly others (you never know). Everyone should learn a lesson from this! The next time you or someone you know is out screwing around acting like a moron on the roads. It might be you....or someones mother, father, sister, brother, GF, BF, grandparent, son or daughter that you just took away for a goddamn joyride.


Truckin hit it right on the head. This was not an accident - it was a crash and TOTALLY preventable. Yes it sucks that they were killed, but it was preventable. Did you know that the NHTSA stopped referring to them as 'accidents' and started calling them 'crashes'?


My condolences to their families because they are the ones left to bear the pain. I hope they didn't leave any little ones behind.


David, what you went through is horrific. I hope you are ok from the experience.


...just leave their address with it, even though i am a girl and damn cute at that, i will come over and rip your fucking throat out with my bare hands.... get the point.


Oooh...scary! Sounds like you are a little stuck on yourself, too. That or J.A.A.W.

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Guys, she just lost an ex and a friend. She's just really upset, and understandably so. My heart goes out to their families and loved ones.


seriously just leave it at that... i don't want my friends names run through the mud. they both had on their seatbelts, maybe they were planning on going fast. maybe they swerved for a deer, or maybe someone swerved into their lane and left the scene, or many other possibilities. they were going really fast. maybe for a reason. maybe not. but they are missed none the less.

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I can not feel remorsefull for people who made bad choices, drinking and going way over the speed limit it not intelligent, granted thier intelligence was hindered by drugs. Its alaways sad to see, but I HAVE NO PITY when drinking is involved. Sorry you lost friends, but they choose to do what they did, and they are not the first nor the last that this type of incident will happen to.
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i have yet to hear one person tell me they have never sped before. save the lectures for someone who dosn't know better.


RIP to my friends

Speeding is one thing, drinking and speeding is another. I am again sorry for your loss, but they took their own lives, with their own actions.

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