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i can do it for you. your helin me out, ill help you out. i got all the software. and can put it into format to play on PC or a DVD player that plays SVCDs. or if you hav ea DVD burner i can get it onto that. or myabe i can get my buddy to burn it for me. we cna talk at what ya need done. and what songs and shit. let me know
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i cna get the songs if i have to.. but if you can get them it would be cool. how long do you wnat this to be. depending on how long is what wil ldetermine how long it will take me. is it all pics you want done.. or is there video you want in it too?? we will discuss
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I dont want to make it to difficult. I will probably get alot of work for you if it turns out good. I liked the smooth transition of the songs they chose. The first 2 will be just pics. I want to get one of my kids and my wife and I. Then 1 of my parents and brother, sister. I dont want to waste time with playing entire songs. Give me a good length to shoot for. 10 min, 15??? If you want to ,,,, nevermind I will ask you when I see you. Hush, hush. lol
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