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How to contact the BBB??


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I cannot get a copy of my lease even though I have been here for about 5 months, I cannot contact them via phone, I cannot get them out to my place to fix anything, and in general everytime I do manage to get to talk to the property lady, she is a bitch because I have to many cars..
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If a landlord does not live up to the obligations imposed by law or lease, tenants can terminate the lease and move out after giving the landlord reasonable notice to correct the breach (refer to the section on rent escrow).


If the conditions of the premises are so bad as to make them unlivable, tenants should contact their local housing inspector. (The phone number is located in the blue pages of most phone books). This will provide the tenant an expert evaluation and description of the problems.


If the inspector determines that the place is unlivable, then the tenants can move out immediately and owe no further rent (in the City of Dayton there may be funds to assist you with your move, so e sure to ask the inspector about this). Once the tenant moves they can recover their security deposits by following the instructions contained in the section titled SECURITY DEPOSITS. As stated earlier, landlords cannot retaliate against tenants by attempting to evict them for making honest complaints to housing inspectors.


Landlords and tenants can also end a lease that is not in writing by providing a written notice of their intent to end the agreement and sending this notice as follows:


Month-to-month lease - 30 days prior to the beginning of the rental period


Week-to-week lease - 7 days notice




Tenants in Ohio cannot simply quit paying their rent because the landlord does not make important repairs. Tenants also cannot simply pay a workman to have repairs done and deduct the cost of the repairs from their rent unless the land- lord agrees to this. Instead, tenants must follow a legal procedure called rent escrow. Rent escrow means paying your rent to the clerk of courts rather than to your landlord, so economic pressure is put on the landlord to make needed repairs.


In order to escrow rent because of a landlord's failure to make repairs, a tenant must:


  • Pay rent up to date.
  • Give a written notice to the landlord listing the repairs needed (see form at back of booklet), and send the notice to the place where rent is normally paid (being sure to keep two copies).
  • If the landlord does not make the repairs within 30 days, or a reasonable time in the case of an emergency, whichever is shorter, the tenant can:
  • Escrow rent by depositing it with the clerk of the appropriate municipal or county court, and;
  • Ask the court to direct that the repairs be made, to reduce the rent, and to release some of the money for making repairs, or;
  • End the agreement and move out.

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