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Job change for me


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Um yes there is, he's a friend of mine who knows his shit and works for cheap. When only 1 out of 3000 people have a problem with him I don't feel you should post something like that.


He has a right to post his opinion just as much as you do (although I do agree with what DJ said about thinking very hard before saying something that could effect someones livelihood). Brian, you know I like you... but maybe you should watch what you say. Usually when any guy says "You better watch what you say motherfucker” to another guy it means your thinking about punching them. Just a little fyi of why Nate probably took that the wrong way. I sure hope, not just because of the rules of this board, that wasn’t what you meant. I just think that would be pretty childish.


Good luck at the new job Derek. I have a few friends who work for them and they seem to like it.

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Yes more than one of you took it the wrong way. I for one can not speak of his ability to do anything but type and surf the internet(never tried too).


and employees make the company otherwise there would be no company, but i get what you are saying



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He has a right to post his opinion just as much as you do (although I do agree with what DJ said about thinking very hard before saying something that could effect someones livelihood). Brian, you know I like you... but maybe you should watch what you say. Usually when any guy says "You better watch what you say motherfucker” to another guy it means your thinking about punching them. Just a little fyi of why Nate probably took that the wrong way. I sure hope, not just because of the rules of this board, that wasn’t what you meant. I just think that would be pretty childish.


Good luck at the new job Derek. I have a few friends who work for them and they seem to like it.



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isn't it nice being on an internet website here we can all talk shit. I mean its not like we live in the same city and could actually go whoop someones ass. lol

Thats the one probelm with text it's very easy to be taken the wrong way.



and tomorrow on Days of Our CR..Nate's pregnant, will Dave slap Scott over it..find out tomorrow

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isn't it nice being on an internet website here we can all talk shit. I mean its not like we live in the same city and could actually go whoop someones ass. lol

Thats the one probelm with text it's very easy to be taken the wrong way.



and tomorrow on Days of Our CR..Nate's pregnant, will Dave slap Scott over it..find out tomorrow



+1 No harm done




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