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Eagles Pizza Dec 8


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I decided to go but didnt regognize anyone so my date and I shared a pizza and left we sat back a table and to the left towards the entrance



I think i saw a couple of couples eating. next time ask for someone's cell, we are all pretty friendly....we were the long table in the very front.



Adam u suck.

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I recognized you Brian, but wasnt sure if you remembered who I was you bought that old ps2 off of me around x-mas last year, and I recognized Marc from the cscc car show but wouldnt know if he would remember who I was so my date and I shared a pizza and took off, maybe next time ill come up and say Hi



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I missed it, I had a problem arise that I had to take care of. Marc if you went and I missed you, I am sorry. I had to handle some business.


I had to handle so bidness wit you fool...damn!


It's cool...we'll get togeather in the not to distant future :)


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The parking lots were fun after the pizza. So long as Ben made it home ok, I think this may be one time he was with people from CR and didn't get hurt. Too bad we didn't have a camera.



Yeah, we made it home fine... no trips to the courthouse, jail, or ER. So, it was a good night. I did learn a lesson though. Snow tires + donuts = not so good. Hahahaha!!!! I thought Andrea was going to wet herself.

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the pizza was ok, how was pool bert dog?

It was good, pockets had free pool last night.


me and rigsby were on campus at a bar then threw snoballs at people and then played pool, it was good time.


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It's nice that you two are finally coming out of the closet and talking about your dates. We all knew it was going on, but didn't want to say anything until you two did. Congrats, and I'm glad you two had fun at ladies night.
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