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Peanut Shits


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Ummm......Congressman Stillman, why are you bringing this to the boards’ attention? Discussing your diet and bowel movements are not going to get you elected for another term. Or is this and attempt to cover up the real reason your ass is sore this morning? In which case, that won't get you re-elected either.
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Ummm......Congressman Stillman, why are you bringing this to the boards’ attention? Discussing your diet and bowel movements are not going to get you elected for another term. Or is this and attempt to cover up the real reason your ass is sore this morning? In which case, that won't get you re-elected either.





That was great.

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can we get a little NWS here :)




just in case you forgot what it looked like.

Oh fuck.....oh fuck! I never saw that before, and damn sure could have went the rest of my life without EVER seeing that. I didn't even make it 1/2 way through that shit fest!!!!! Fucking nasty.

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