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How I wish the Hurricane Katrina coverage went


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Found this in my cousins profile, and pretty much sums up my feelings about people thinking the government did such a horrible job with Katrina.


*For those of you who are not aware, North Dakota and southwestern Montana got hit with their first blizzard of the season a couple of weeks ago. This text is from county emergency manager in the western part of North Dakota after the storm.








Up here in the Northern Plains we just recovered from a Historic event - may I even say a "Weather Event" of "Biblical Proportions" - with a historic blizzard of up to 24 inches of snow and winds to 50 MPH that broke trees in half, stranded hundreds of motorists in lethal snow banks, closed all roads, isolated scores of


communities and cut power to 10's of thousands.






George Bush did not come....


FEMA staged nothing....


No one howled for the government...


No one even uttered an expletive on TV...


Nobody demanded $2,000 debit cards.....


No one asked for a FEMA Trailer House....


No news anchors moved in.




We just melted snow for water, sent out caravans to pluck people out of snow engulfed cars, fired up wood stoves, broke out coal oil lanterns or Aladdin lamps and put on an extra layer of clothes.




Even though a Category "5" blizzard of this scale has never fallen this early...we know it can happen and how to deal with it ourselves. Everybody is fine.

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I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll say it again: I was stunned by the sense of entitlement that seemed to emanate collectively from New Oreleans et al. in the aftermath (and even immediate aftermath) of Hurricane Katrina.


God speaks the truth once again.

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I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll say it again: I was stunned by the sense of entitlement that seemed to emanate collectively from New Oreleans et al. in the aftermath (and even immediate aftermath) of Hurricane Katrina.

The welfare state rears it ugly head. But stating that of course make me an unsensitive republican hate monger.

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My uncle works at the Red Cross in middletown, CT as a "Disaster Relief Coordinator". Basically a dude that makes sure shit gets done when it needs to get done and in the correct order. His kind are in short supply, so whenever there is any kind of disaster, he is there. He was in Mobile, Alabama post-Katrina, and got the inside scoop on everything that happened.

NOTE: My uncle is a fucking huge diehard liberal and would never say anything to defend GW Bush. Or so I thought.



He told me that basically FEMA's responsibility is to do what they did and Michael Brown being fired was pure scapegoating. The federal government has no responsibility to deal with a natural disaster such as this; it is local governments' responsibilities. Gdub and FEMA were not at all responsible. The New Orleans government was completely at fault. He also said that of their "disaster" budget, New Orleans decided not to allott money to non-perishable food items, fresh water, or providing basic human needs. Instead, they decided to invest in a large fleet of Ford F-150's.


Yay america

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I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll say it again: I was stunned by the sense of entitlement that seemed to emanate collectively from New Oreleans et al. in the aftermath (and even immediate aftermath) of Hurricane Katrina.

Couldn't be said any better than that.

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Did you hear that the dumb fuck mayor of NO decided that the best way to restart the economy is? They are currently installing free wireless internet throughout the city of New Orleans. I think that right there shows us who is responisble for any fuck up that occurred down there
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I dont see why the government or FEMA should hold sole responsibility, If I was there and I got any bit of help I would be grateful not begging for me. Like my original post said you never hear about people in these northern states such as Montana, and North Dakota complaining about blizzards. Why? because they know it can happen and they prepare themselves and take care of themselves. Maybe its just like ole Hank Jr. used to say " A country boy can survive"
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