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Pizza Hut -- Harrisburg Pike Loacation -- ALL POSITIONS


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The Harrisburg Pike location is reopening in about a month. Ive been chosen to its new SAM (salary assistant manager) so i myself will be running the unit. If anyone is looking for some part time work for a second job or wants to come one as a full time employee... look me up here, on aim, e-mail, or phone.


AIM: Z24TypeR

e-mail: nick_schall@yahoo.com

work: 614-875-6990 (not between 5pm and 9pm)

cell: 513-314-2436 (anytime, doesnt really matter)




Though i consider everyone on here my "friends", in the work place, business is business. There won't be any free rides, or extra leway of anykind. Everyone is held equaly accountable for his/her actions/ethic. Wages, raises, hours, and perks are all based on both the expierence and performance of the employee in the ways of effort, ability, teamwork, and attitude.

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No way you'd pay $8.50 per hour for inside work would you? No training necessary, I'm all up to date on everything.


$8.50 is what shift managers start at. If youd like to be hired with the intention to promote immediatly, it can be done. It'll be tough, but its doable.


No training??? Are you nuckin futs!?!?! Pizza Hut IS training. They have the absloute best training programs of any restaurant in the world... assuming the people doing the training are doing it properly. If you become an RGM in Pizza Hut, its like having a Masters degree in Business Management. You can easily make 50-60k/yr, have the ability to work up even higher as an area coach (lots more $$$ + company car), or if shit turns sour, you can get work in management positions just about anywhere. How far you go is up to you ;)

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Where is this location? Not familar with Harrisburg pike. The only reason I mentioned not needing any training right off the bat is because I've been working for Pizza Hut for the past six months at another location. They don't have anything inside/available that pays enough and I am done delivering end of the year. I'd like to start with the intention of promototing up, so what would I need to do? My manager is aware of my situation and is trying to work with me, but there's only so much he can do at his store, that's why I'm looking to branch out.


Let me know.

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which location?? Ill make a couple phone calls and we'll get the ball rolling ;)


Location = Harrisburg Pike/Eakin Rd


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Unit 90, Busch Blvd. What's the address for that location so I can mapquest it? I have no clue where that is, lol.




Its one exit west of the southern 71/270 interchange. You go north off the exit and its like 2 or 3 mile up on the left.


Ah you work at Irvin's store. Irvin is a cool guy, very wise man... listen to him and you'll learn something ;) Ill give him a buzz and see what we can work out. Harrisburg Pike doesnt open up untill period 2 week 1, so theres still about 5 weeks to go... but im sure i can work something out between Irvin and Trina to get you involved more quickly if possible. I know that period 1 week 2 im out of GC and in Pike to get shit setup... maybe i can get you on the payroll over there to give us an extra hand if we need it.


Like i siad, ill make a few calls and see what we can come up with.

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