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It's been said that when first starting a car in cold weather that you should not turn the heat all the way up. Can anyone explain why this is bad and what damage can come out of it.



Yes because it will make your car get warm to fast inside the cabin. Who wants a warm cabin in their car in the winter...

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On certian vehicles, the power to the heater control is routed through the ignititon switch. Having the fan control turned off when you start is a good idea to help keep the terminals in the switch from arcing due to the increased curent draw of the blower motor if it was on high. One its started, only reason I can think is because the air you are blowing through the heater core is absorbing the heat the engine is producing, and this will cause the engine to take a little bit longer to warm up and get out of the warm up enrichment loop. Not praticularly signifigant.
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I have no claims for knowing the ins and outs of how cars operate. I know the basics. Sam- your answer is the same one I gave.

Lustalbert- You saying "certain cars" leads me to believe that it is such a rarity, that you have a better chance getting hit by lightning. Not to put words in you mouth, but it seems pretty hard to do any damage. Thanks for the replies.

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To my knowledge, the arcing problem is only on some gm cars. The grand prix has this problem, and it usually requires the replacement of the wiring harness to the ignition switch to fix. Not sure of other cars, havent really heard of it.

Also, this is only when you turn the key to start the car. Once its running, fan speed is irelevant to the contacts in the ignition switch, as the contacts arent moving.

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