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GRRRR...I hate my wireless shit!! help.


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Ok, so like once a week or so my connection takes a shit. It's only done this at the new place we moved into, a little over a month ago. At first I thought it was the router, so i exchanged it for a new one. But nope, still does it. And then it takes me like 20minutes to get back online afterwards. WHY does it do this? I'm not sure what causes it, and I try hitting the "repair" button but the only thing that I THINK has fixed it is unplugging/plugging it in again after a few minutes. This is BULLSHIT, it works fine 99% of the time, but then it sucks ass, almost enough for me to manually connect my laptop and lose the 'portability' of the laptop just so i don't have to go thru this.



What can i do?

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My connect does this also I just pull the plug on the router and it works again


This works well for me. Every other day or so I powercycle the router and modem.


Through various torrent sites i've found that Linksys routers have a max connection limit that is easily hit when your downloading torrents or anything else p2p. All you need to do is reboot it occasionally and i'm sure you'll be just fine. I hear there are firmware updates to fix this but i'm too lazy to do it as of yet.

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