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My future Z

Guest FrancesTheMute

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Guest FrancesTheMute
  Dr. ZO6 said:
Do us all a favor: borrow his mom's car and drive it off a cliff. Two birds, one falling purple stone.


Sorry, not gonna happen, however I do hope someone keys your car or it just gets totaled and you happen to be in it and die...arrogant prick.

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  FrancesTheMute said:
Sorry, not gonna happen, however I do hope someone keys your car or it just gets totaled and you happen to be in it and die...arrogant prick.


LOL. And Merry Xmas to you, SandyTheVagina.


Listen, don't get all bent out of shape because not everyone jocks your mom's purple car. It's your mom's and it's purple - what the fuck did you expect?

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  FrancesTheMute said:
Sorry, not gonna happen, however I do hope someone keys your car or it just gets totaled and you happen to be in it and die...arrogant prick.


ever here of Karma.


hope that doesnt happen to you after all you are so nice and all.

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I think its cool man that u pay for all ur shit, i went through the same thing when i got my bike, i didnt go out and physically buy it myself because i was 16, but my dad wanted someone to ride with and i wanted a bike and i agreed to take up the monthly payments and pay for the extremly cheap insurence rates that are in my dads name. I drive a beater car that i paid for, but have a nice bike that i also pay for but wouldint beable to get if it wasint for my dad helping me out. So yeah rock that purple car whenever you get it, i mean shit who wouldint say yes to their mom if you were 19 years old on helping you buy a 350Z.
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  FrancesTheMute said:
Well...considering my name is John, I'd assume a guy, but wouldn't that suck if I was female.

Well that is why I asked. I saw your name was John but you are so excited about a complete chick car that your mom is gonna give to you I thought well maybe he had a sex change I dunno?


My wife is looking for a 350z to replace the maxima with and even she said that color is horrible and completely a chicks car. She also mentioned she would think you are gay if she saw a guy driving that. So good luck.

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  FrancesTheMute said:
Sorry, not gonna happen, however I do hope someone keys your car or it just gets totaled and you happen to be in it and die...arrogant prick.



You a dick frances .


I'm sorry you still have the ricer mentality.





At one pont my dad had a WS6 Formula Firebird with lots of mods. And I did not claim it as mine i claimed my v6 camaro....

Thats all i am going to say... I am so sick of race mentality.

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  FrancesTheMute said:
I hope you're not referring to me...I'm far from spoiled. In high school I worked two jobs, went to school, played sports, paid for my car and insurance, and on top of it, was kicked out of my house the day after graduation. I'm currently paying my college tuition, rent, and all the other random expenses, not my parents, they put foward no money. I traded in my car in order to help my mom get this Z.


Spoiled...I think not.





So they kick you out, don't help you at all. Then you trade your car in on her car? Did I miss something?

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Guest FrancesTheMute
  medium fast said:
So they kick you out, don't help you at all. Then you trade your car in on her car? Did I miss something?


By they I mean my father and step-mother. My mom lives in California.


  Powers said:
Yes Preston what we like to call this is http://www.columbusracing.com/ubb/graemlins/bsflag.gif


Again...you're talking out of your ass.

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Sorry. I take back my original post.


I'm ever so proud of you for receiving a purple 350Z from your mother. Wow! I wish that could be me. Boy o' boy, your going to have the coolest car around! But, you deserve it, because you worked so hard for it. You = My role model.

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  Thorne said:
You a dick frances .


I'm sorry you still have the ricer mentality.





At one pont my dad had a WS6 Formula Firebird with lots of mods. And I did not claim it as mine i claimed my v6 camaro....

Thats all i am going to say... I am so sick of race mentality.

Ricer mentality? He gets the fuckin' car for free and all of you are bitching about the color. There's seriosuly something wrong with you guys. That violent comment by him earlier was uncalled for though.

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Guest FrancesTheMute
  Kevin R. said:
Sorry. I take back my original post.


I'm ever so proud of you for receiving a purple 350Z from your mother. Wow! I wish that could be me. Boy o' boy, your going to have the coolest car around! But, you deserve it, because you worked so hard for it. You = My role model.


Thanks, I enjoy being a good role model ;) It always feel good to help the little people.

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some purple looks good. some purple looks gay. purple, inherited from your mom, looks gay. btw, if i was going to be getting a car from my mom, i would be smart enough not to tell a bunch of folks i dont know on an automotive forum where im not only not well known, but not very well liked, either.


so, good on ya for doin what you do. props. but this thread has a whole lot of stupid in it, and most of it is coming from you.

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Dude a little advise for ya........

1. Don't get on a web forum full of car guys and brag about your MOMgiving you a car. Sorry it just makes you look like a spoiled mama's boy no matter how many "life expenses" you pay yourself. Big deal, welcome to LIFE!!!


2. Don't make stupid threats or 'wishes' in same said forums especially to a well respected member. Frankly you made a bone head move with that post. If I was an admin your account here would have been shit canned for it. I think you should apologize to Dr.Z06 for making that statement.


And what makes you look even worse is you just posted the same pictures a couple months ago when your mom got the car. So it's not like your getting it tomorrow, next week or probably even in the next couple years.


So can you see where you went wrong?

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  JsANeon said:
ahhh nice looking cars...i almost bought one! happy i didnt though(but ponder the though sometimes) they have had WAY too many problems and only run mid 14's unless you are freakin mario andretti and are at the best track in the world with perfect track conditions....and are are also too overpriced for my taste! ill just stick with my little neon....its faster anyways!!!
To bad your neon is wrong wheel drive and in no way compairable in asthetics
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I saw a new H2 at Easton tonight, with the license plate IOU 1 DAD. Now that is a spoled bitch, and he seemed proud of it.


Oh and something still is not adding up right, lets see if I get all my math correct here.


1. Dad and step mom kick you out.


2. No one helps you out with anything


3.You trade your car in, for your moms new 350z, which she buys, and still doesnt help you in anyway



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