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Grabbed Last XBox 360 In Target This Morning...


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Talk about lucky! My wife calls me at 7:30 this morning, wakes me up and tells me she happened to be in Target where there were two XBox 360's left! :eek: She bought one, and then watched people's faces as she walks past them. They realize what she's got, then they start running for that part of the store. :D Anyway, she bought it and now it's on Ebay. :D


I've got another one coming next week from another friend of mine. Only wish I had gotten them about a month ago, they were going for $1000+... :eek:

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yeah, well I got one the day they come out, I camped out at the polaris best buy over night got right in and right back out, someone tried to come after to me get it but I got to my car and he turned back around, hah bastard got scared :)


good luck on selling your 360


Merry Christmas To All



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